Officially the longest preorder I’ve had. Ordered February 24 of 2021. That’s ok though. A band with Tommy Womack, Will Kimbrough and Mike “Grimey” Grimes is worth the wait. Haven’t looked into the 4th member. Sure he’s great too!
Odd Nosdam - Le Mix Ambient
I love this mix by Odd Nosdam so much that i fixed the tape after one of my old tape decks ate it.
Not sure i'd be able to find another copy...
any time i see this cassette i'm taken back to a night i got into an argument with a now-ex and i needed to remove myself from the situation so i got in my car- a '99 honda accord at the time - and drove the ring highway around the city, and this album was what happened to be in the car's tape player. it was like 10 at night and kind of drizzly/foggy and listening to this turned out to be a good soundtrack for the moment.
maybe tmi, i dunno, i guess i just felt compelled to share that story since i'm pretty sure this is the first time i have seen another person have this album.