What's Spinning

Kate NV - Room for the Moon


I'm surprised she didn't appear as a recommendation across any streaming avenue/YouTube recommendation until I came across last year's WOW, which was one of my top50 last year. But when digging back several years searching on the forum, I see that someone recommended this one for those who like Tortoise's TNT. I can hear a few similarities, but they are very different.
Either way, this would have been in my top50 for 2020 had I known about it at that time. Kate makes exactly the kind of angular, obtuse brand of pop that I enjoy.
Listened to this earlier in the day

I have this one too and it sounds quite good. I don’t have an OG, but have other Alice OGs and Impulse OGs and it sounds pretty close. I didn’t even consider picking up the new Turd Man pressing.
Well if you had made it clearer to me how much I liked Alice earlier, I might have two less third man pressings (jk, thanks, also not really kidding but not frothy about it)