Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Honest question: what're the appeal of test pressings? Are they supposed to sound better or is it just a novelty thing?
More about rarity. I used referral credit on em. Theoretically, they are the freshest off the stampers. But they also run the risk of not being an approved test pressing or having some kinda issue.

The only test pressings I usually go after are records that never made it past the test pressing stage. There are a lot of test pressings that VMP did that got killed for one reason or another (label decided they wanted to do it themselves late in the game, artist pulled out, etc.). I believe there's a Miseducation of Lauryn Hill RKS cut that VMP did that never saw the light of day because Lauryn won't approve it.

There are a lot of Speakers Corner test pressings on discogs for stuff they never actually released, like Occasional Rain by Terry Callier.
Matt if you’re reading this, we need at least one more sale to use up this credit.

Edit: also have the zine coming but would be nice to get the tote we’re supposed to receive.

Was the tote in your orders page? I wonder if it's with my magazine only shipment
Tote was not listed in the order. It just arrived with my package. I also did not receive a magazine even though that was listed as my shipment. Not convinced that the magazine exists and maybe the zine order was actually the tote + patch...
Honest question: what're the appeal of test pressings? Are they supposed to sound better or is it just a novelty thing?
It’s mostly a collectibility thing they are rare so they are more collectible. There is a “hot stamper” theory where they are the first stamped albums so their grooves are more defined but you would have to have better ears and a better system than I to be able to differentiate between a TP and the 10,000 stamp.

There are also some super rare TP were the artist made changes to the album following the TP but those instances are pretty rare and notable when they occur.

But mostly it’s just a rare variant.
Tote was not listed in the order. It just arrived with my package. I also did not receive a magazine even though that was listed as my shipment. Not convinced that the magazine exists and maybe the zine order was actually the tote + patch...
Good call on the possible switcheroo. My “zine” is arriving today so will report back but not getting my hopes up.
Good call on the possible switcheroo. My “zine” is arriving today so will report back but not getting my hopes up.
Clay has some designs up on his portfolio site of the new magazine so it was at least designed. But it has a rising artist as the cover story and I'm not sure that it ever got printed, or will get shipped out given that it likely has info that is no longer relevant.