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  • Can you believe I mentioned in two different zoom meetings at work today that I re-watched John Carpenter's The Thing last night, and not ONE PERSON had seen it. I was expecting a bunch of whoops but instead I got nothing but blank stares. I guess this is the reality of the Millennial/Gen Z work place now
    Wharfdale Linton 85s acquired baby. My greatest audiophile savings journey has come to an end. Bye bye Klipsch R-51PMs!
    You looking to sell the Klipsches?
    Not sure yet tbh @kvetcha , thinking I may replace the JBL Charge 3 that I have in my office with the Klipsch so I can have a fun work listening area, but they may honestly be overkill for the office. I'll keep you updated though if you're interested in a pair.
    Received 5 record packages today, 2 of them were new records, 3 of them were replacements, only 1 record (Quiet Kenny) isn’t going to need a(nother) round of replacements. THIS CLOSE TO BECOMING ONE OF THOSE DUDES THAT JUST BUYS AP PRESSINGS. I’m so exhausted, isn’t this hobby supposed to be fun :/?
    Don’t get caught up listening for problems instead of enjoying the music.
    maybe it is just because i have a cheaper system but like most issues don't cause much of an issue.. unless an LP is so dished its not touching the table... for me vinyl is a piece of merchandise.. seeing as I can listen to almost all the music possible on youtube/spotify/apple music/qobuz/tidal at relatively good quality to full on CD and hi res..
    vinyl is never meant in my mind to sound better... i might like just sitting down and listening. but the issue is more that the inflation has gotten so much worse over the 3 years and there has been nothing making it easier to obtain like say.. a minimum wage that increases more often than every 12 years (if only we made it so the minimum wage was determined by actual economists and not corporate bureaucrats)
    I've spent damn near $2000 on buying coffee this past year. Finally did the wise thing and bought my first espresso machine so I could of course spend those yearly savings on more records. Anyone home espresso fanatics?
    Will be interviewing my first podcast guest in over a year next weekend! Hoping to really make these interviews consistent this year and beyond, this is my life’s work and it’s waiting for me to take it seriously. Anyways, check out Adriana McCassim before hand, she’s incredible!

    Won’t be able to make RSD this year unfortunately! Anyone willing to swipe me a Quiet Kenny if possible?
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    Throw a request in here....
    Man, went to a local yesterday and spent $100. Got about 5 albums, all sealed from the factory, so far 3/5 are defective in some way but I don’t bring sealed records back to the record store cause it’s unfair to the store IMO. The rampant lack of QC in the vinyl world rn is making supporting physical stores very difficult. Seriously considering jumping to digital :/
    I just had a conversation with a record store employee I know the other day. He said they have no recourse when there are pressing flaws from the factory, they have to eat the loss. That's a complete ration of shit that is unacceptable in my opinion. How can you not back your product on a level like that? Complete lack of accountability and ownership.
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    @djdavedk yup, a good record store owner that values your business will of course take that loss but given how COVID has impacted small businesses I just can not bring myself to do that to my local. I end up emailing the label directly, will let you know if that proves a successful strategy
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    He told me he got a terrible copy of a record (at cost) and instead of sticking his boss with it, he bought one from Amazon and returned the bad one. Might as well stick it to the ogres.
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    Would anyone be interested in buying a Fluance RT85 at a discount? Thinking of selling my current walnut one to pick up their new wood finish which is far more fitting for my current interior design sensibilities. Not sure of the price, just gauging interest currently.
    Couch shopping is far more maddening than I ever predicted
    Man Shore is a hell of a fucking album. Robin Pecknold has got to be one of the most severely underrated songwriters of our generation. Every release since their Sun Giant EP has gotten leaps and bounds more complex and intricate while somehow becoming even more engaging and pertinent. Fleet Foxes will be regarded as one of the great bands of our time.
    Anyone got an extra Massive Attack - Heligloland? or willing to part with a copy they don't give any attention?
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    There's one for (close to if not) retail price on discogs. I'm pretty sure I paid close to that for a retail copy.
    Edit: Ok, my memory is not that was $36+tax.
    @Kris you’re a rockstar! Don’t know how I didn’t see that
    My local had a regular priced copy last time I was there. I can look again next time I go. I want to say it's $30 or less USD.
    Anyone have any insight into how Sacred Bones label pressings typically are?
    Probably not a ton of help but I have their Plantasia pressing and think it sounds great. That's the only release of theirs I have though so hopefully someone else can chime in for ya.
    Hit and miss for sure, depends on the pressing plant. They use everyone from QRP to GZ. Dig into that for whatever title you're interested in. They have great customer service though, so worth taking a chance if you buy direct from them.
    Pretty typical of an indie label most of their standard LPs are just that. They have done some more audiophile type things but when they do they usually provide that info and it’s reflected n the price.
    Is it possible that my turntable, cart, and pre-amp can outperform my speakers and thus cause certain recordings to sound harsh because my speakers aren't capable of delivering the information the rest of the set up is processing? If this sounds like I'm trying to convince myself to impulsively buy new speakers, thats because thats exactly what I'm doing.
    I know that my stage was putting out too hot a signal for my amp so I had to get a couple of attenuators to cut the signal a touch heading into the amp, and that completely fixed the issue. I'm not sure if something like that would help with powered speakers but... perhaps?
    @folsom_lives I'm starting to think thats what it very well could be. Listening to albums with some passages that have made my eye twitch in my Sennheiser headphones I find that those same passages are cleaned up and unproblematic.
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    I'll look into that as a possible solution as well @Mather . It will probably be easier to narrow down the issue once I get an azimuth adjustment cause I know 100% thats out of alignment.
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