Day 7 / 2024.S7.E7 - Everything, Everywhere All at Once (万事、随所同時に)
Inside the chaos of the department store that is Don Quixote (ドン・キホーテ), you’ll find something that appeals to you. Cosmetics, highly discounted snacks at late hours, branded penguin mascot merch, backpacks/luggage, Japanese whiskey, stationery, full meals/bento, yeah…this place has it all. Overwhelming, and across multiple floors with some of the most colorful and garish price stickers/advertising you’ll see. Oftentimes the discount/blowout racks are so overstuffed that items fall to the ground. The penguin mascot even has a different appearance/costume for each location across Japan!
Play a record featuring over the top production or that doesn’t let up from start to finish.
I remember the department stores. The multi-level behemoths where, as you stated, one can find pretty much anything there. Also if you explore enough, you'll find small underground corridors with even more shops and restaurants. I got lost quite often, but sometimes I ran across some random street dancing! Very unexpected production.

Here in an interesting building that certainly is over-produced....
If anyone has ever seen of Montreal live, their shows are certainly over-produced. Many costume changes, choreography, etc. Here is one of their latest albums.
of Montreal – Freewave Lucifer F<ck F^ck F>ck