Audio Killed the Visual Star: The August 2023 Vinyl Challenge

14. Avatar: The Last Airbender

One of the classic running gags on Avatar is the Cabbage Merchant getting his cart destroyed. Thankfully by the time Legend of Korra came around it was revealed that he persevered, and founded Cabbage Corp which is now run by his son. Playing this one as I'd assume the Cabbage Merchant needed it to replenish his supply as quickly as possible. And there is a great parallel in the album cover and the youtube thumbnail!

Mort Garson ~ Mother Earth's Plantasia


Day 15: The Family Guy

The Dead regarded Woodstock as one of their worst performances. Maybe worse than Stewies.

“It was raining toads when we played. The rain was part of our nightmare,” Bob Weir later recalled to Rolling Stone. “The other part was our sound man [Owsley ‘Bear’ Stanley], who decided that the ground situation on the stage was all wrong. It took him about two hours to change it, which held up the show. He finally got it set the way he wanted it, but every time I touched my instrument, I got a shock. The stage was wet, and the electricity was coming through me. I was conducting! Touching my guitar and the microphone was nearly fatal. There was a great big blue spark about the size of a baseball, and I got lifted off my feet and sent back eight or 10 feet to my amplifier.”

I'll go with a better '69 recording instead.

Grateful Dead ~ Live/Dead
