Definitive Audiophile pressings

By my estimation after spending too much time on discogs and various forums, a 1% increase in sound quality of a reissue over a previous issue means that the reissue “blows away” previous presses.

Pull the trigger!
Honestly agree, but also in a lot of cases I've found that some of these newer masters may punch harder and so some listeners immediately like them more. Even though it's more that they're different rather than better.
Honestly agree, but also in a lot of cases I've found that some of these newer masters may punch harder and so some listeners immediately like them more. Even though it's more that they're different rather than better.
This. I wonder how much of it is whether some people grew up with MP3s and compression vs those old folks like me who grew up with vinyl. Not saying that the new pressings are bad or anything but just sound different from streaming or even OGs. I would take an 70s or 80s pressing that may have been mastered slightly quieter but has a better sound stage because that is what I am used to.

But what do I know, I am half deaf with tinnitus
This. I wonder how much of it is whether some people grew up with MP3s and compression vs those old folks like me who grew up with vinyl. Not saying that the new pressings are bad or anything but just sound different from streaming or even OGs. I would take an 70s or 80s pressing that may have been mastered slightly quieter but has a better sound stage because that is what I am used to.

But what do I know, I am half deaf with tinnitus

Yeah I mean after doing a fair amount of these sort of shootouts I find that there are definitely mastering elements that play better on a wide swath of systems that maybe a more revealing system doesn't require. Like pumped up bass or rounded treble in the high registers that everyone can crank up but in a lot of cases isn't actually necessary or doesn't actually make it sound "better". I'll take stage over punch any day of the week.
But yeah I'm curious to hear this, I bet it's great, I just can't imagine it's THAT much better than the KPG RTI Pure Pleasure
Yeah I mean after doing a fair amount of these sort of shootouts I find that there are definitely mastering elements that play better on a wide swath of systems that maybe a more revealing system doesn't require. Like pumped up bass or rounded treble in the high registers that everyone can crank up but in a lot of cases isn't actually necessary or doesn't actually make it sound "better". I'll take stage over punch any day of the week.
But yeah I'm curious to hear this, I bet it's great, I just can't imagine it's THAT much better than the KPG RTI Pure Pleasure
If it was cut from the same tapes, I would say the difference should be minimal.
But a more direct access tape plus the mastering console should be noticeable.
But who knows.... all I can say is the guitar strings are sounding crazy good to me and I only have the one copy.