Definitive Audiophile pressings

$10 shipping.................still a better deal than Cogs.
Carole King - Tapestry One-Step arrived. This thing is amazing. I don't have the regular MOFI to compare. But wow!
I have one on preorder from Target since i got it for a “deal”. Had to approve delay today so hoping I still get one from them! I ended up getting my hands on a regular MoFi between when I ordered it and now so I’ll probably sell whichever one I would listen to less. I have heard the One Step is better than the 33 but curious to compare
I recommend finding a clean original of this one with a "Sterling" stamp. I find them all the time for around $10, usually very clean, and they sound really good IMO.
I recommend finding a clean original of this one with a "Sterling" stamp. I find them all the time for around $10, usually very clean, and they sound really good IMO.
I have an OG as well, it does sound great, but a little bright for my taste. I have a copy of the MoFi True Colors pressing which I find quite pleasing, so we're gonna give this a go :)