Definitive Audiophile pressings

Just got my Soultrane from Acoustic Sounds, and it has both sides labeled Side B. Anyone else have this issue?
I reached out to Acoustic Sounds yesterday, received a reply today telling me they’ll be shipping me a vinyl replacement (no sleeve) ASAP. I’m quite happy with the rapid response and that they are not making me send back the “defective” copy!
Traded in a few records at my local store for this one, sealed Capitol to replace my XL. SOS arrived as well, anyone know what the deal is with the unnumbered copies?
IMG_3041 by c c, on Flickr
IMG_3043 by c c, on Flickr
IMG_3044 by c c, on Flickr
It’s just overrun stock. Usually they press 5-10% more copies than the limited number amount to hold back as replacements. Then they sell those after awhile.

Sketches is coming out as a One Step by the way but the 33 is nice to have!
It’s just overrun stock. Usually they press 5-10% more copies than the limited number amount to hold back as replacements. Then they sell those after awhile.

Sketches is coming out as a One Step by the way but the 33 is nice to have!
ah got it, was told it was supposed to be a "promo" lol

and yes it is, and probably should have waited. I don't even mind getting up twice if needed but the 33 is good to have.
ah got it, was told it was supposed to be a "promo" lol

and yes it is, and probably should have waited. I don't even mind getting up twice if needed but the 33 is good to have.
A lot of people think they are promos. I think the promos usually have a sharpie line through the barcode but not 100% sure on that. The jackets don’t matter a ton since the numbers don’t relate to the order in which they are pressed (another common misconception).

Hope you enjoy it! I have the 33 and am tempted to get the one step too
that would explain the sharpie line on my barcode. For the price I paid, could have gotten the one step but who knows when Mofi is planning their upcoming releases!
Just had my mind blown by what now will be my #1 demonstration track for my system. Recently purchased Sade's This Far box set. Cleaned them all yesterday and today played the first record, Diamond Life, and the first track, Smooth Operator, is absolutely stunning. The three-dimensional depth, the sound quality, the percussive power, man, it all comes together in a pretty special way. It was the 4th or 5th record I listened to today and while I'd been futzing with speaker placement and trying to decide if I was totally happy with the sound from the other albums, when this came on it was just completely beyond such question. It was a transportive moment--just the kind you need every once in a while to help justify the time/money/obsession with this crazy pastime. :D
An amazing box set! All her albums sound great.
Like it almost makes you wonder if someone pulled the Amazon switcheroo style with a returned copy of this. That's pretty egregious in terms of QC. Even the worst paper sleeves I've had records come in weren't anywhere close to that.
Actually, ya, mine aren’t in paper like those, thay are in fancy rigid printed paper… which I still hate. But something seems off with that order.
If anyone is still looking: JPC has the Speakers Corner pressings of Albert King "Born Under A Bad Sign" and Bill Withers "Just As I Am" in stock again. I've been specifically looking for those for a while, so I placed an order. Already shipped.
I almost grabbed Albert King + Little Feat - Time Loves a Hero but LF went out of stock and then I realized I don't really need either.
I almost grabbed Albert King + Little Feat - Time Loves a Hero but LF went out of stock and then I realized I don't really need either.

The others I was eyeing are the Allen Toussaint and Fred Wesley, but both of those are now back-ordered. I had them in my cart for the longest time, but I was waiting for Albert King to come back. The Bill Withers was a nice surprise.
The others I was eyeing are the Allen Toussaint and Fred Wesley, but both of those are now back-ordered. I had them in my cart for the longest time, but I was waiting for Albert King to come back. The Bill Withers was a nice surprise.
The Toussaint is stunning. Both of those are boomboom cuts. You should be able to find Toussaint from US retailers but I know shipping will probably be more for you.
The others I was eyeing are the Allen Toussaint and Fred Wesley, but both of those are now back-ordered. I had them in my cart for the longest time, but I was waiting for Albert King to come back. The Bill Withers was a nice surprise.
They went so long not shipping to Canada, I keep forgetting to check out their selection
I know a few have been buying from Record City JP on here. Just a warning to check what you pay.

I brought a bunch if Willie nelson from them yesterday to make up my own anthology on the cheap, they ended up debiting an extra 5000 JPY from my PayPal account. They have refunded me when I queried it but could be easy to miss. I suspect I won’t be the only person this has happened to.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the Marvin Gaye What's Going On Detroit Mix? I see it's GZ so immediate massive strike against it. But reviews seem decent? Obviously massively overpriced but if it's the Let It Be Naked of this album then I'd consider it...