Definitive Audiophile pressings

Okay look, I think we've already firmly established that Steely Dan are godawful but the next person that claims Pink Floyd aren't fucking awesome I will throw a chair at.
I would rather listen to Steely Dan than Pink Floyd if I had to choose. I understand both are good at what they do. I would rather listen to Elton John or Queen than either TBH.
I would rather listen to Steely Dan than Pink Floyd if I had to choose. I understand both are good at what they do. I would rather listen to Elton John or Queen than either TBH.

I would rather listen to Steely Dan than Pink Floyd if I had to choose. I understand both are good at what they do. I would rather listen to Elton John or Queen than either TBH.
Is this such a radical opinion? I enjoy Steely Dan more than Pink Floyd and I enjoy Elton John and Queen more than both. Pink Floyd was one of first classic rock bands I got into when I started exploring the genre. I like them well enough I just never liked them as much as the rest of world apparently.
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