Definitive Audiophile pressings

guys, any idea what may be causing what sounds like static after a US cleaning + vacuum? Since most of my records are new, I am washing them with distilled water only. I'm definitely doing something wrong since the records were near dead quiet before the cleaning.

Try to narrow it down….

1) Play uncleaned other than a dust brush and confirm no static sounds….

2) Vacuum clean and listen. See if static. If not there then….

3) US clean and listen again.

Also: I have sever static build up in winter on vinyl recs that I treat but from ur description I feel ur saying it is not a static charge on the vinyl but an actual staticky surface noise in the vinyl (like the highs are etched out) ?
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yes, sometimes not even played for days. After some research, it seems the use of distilled water by ITSELF causes an overabundance of static?
Static definitely could be the issue, and if it's not to a level where it's lifting the hair off your arm as you place the record on your turntable, I recommend giving this brush a try: Amazon product ASIN B08113TFRV
I was having a bit of crackle on occasion with ultrasonically cleaned records and this brush seems to have eliminated that for the most part. (I suppose it also will solve the problem if it's caused by dust that finds its way to the record between cleaning and playing.)
Try to narrow it down….

1) Play uncleaned other than a dust brush and confirm no static sounds….

2) Vacuum clean and listen. See if static. If not there then….

3) US clean and listen again.
the first step was my routine before getting the US cleaner, static and any noise were almost inaudible. Under intense lighting, I can see the grooves were cleaned which lead me to believe it may be static build up
Static definitely could be the issue, and if it's not to a level where it's lifting the hair off your arm as you place the record on your turntable, I recommend giving this brush a try: Amazon product ASIN B08113TFRV
I was having a bit of crackle on occasion with ultrasonically cleaned records and this brush seems to have eliminated that for the most part. (I suppose it also will solve the problem if it's caused by dust that finds its way to the record between cleaning and playing.)
Ty for the recommendation, haven't really been impressed with the Zerostat if I'm being honest.
the first step was my routine before getting the US cleaner, static and any noise were almost inaudible. Under intense lighting, I can see the grooves were cleaned which lead me to believe it may be static build up

Ty for the recommendation, haven't really been impressed with the Zerostat if I'm being honest.

I added a bit to my post. Do u feel it is actually static build up OR is the sound an overall increase in surface noise like the high frequencies r taking damage?
I added a bit to my post. Do u feel it is actually static build up OR is the sound an overall increase in surface noise like the high frequencies r taking damage?
how do you handle the records with severe static buildup? I think the noise I'm hearing is indeed static, with it being less noticeable with each play.
forgot to mention, a loud buzzing and crackling can be heard when I touch the finger lift to return the arm to its rest. This only happens when I play the records that have been US cleaned
forgot to mention, a loud buzzing and crackling can be heard when I touch the finger lift to return the arm to its rest. This only happens when I play the records that have been US cleaned
That sounds like a grounding issue, but I have no idea how it could be related to whether or not a record had been ultrasonically cleaned. Unless, I guess, it's a major static buildup that's being released when you touch the lift. Weird.
I described this over priced accessory awhile back:

Furutech - DeStat III Static Charge Remover | Shop Music Direct

I have an older model. WAY Overpriced IMO but it works great. After cleaning I do both sides with this.

Then if I notice static when flipping I use Zerostat (hand holding vinyl) at turntable. If Zero doesn’t cut it i redo Furutec.

I get static so bad in winter I can hear the rec crackle when I handle it and the vinyl will latch onto an anti-static sleeve.

PS… glad it gets better with each play. Ur stylus isn’t the cause. And, neither cleaner is defective. 👍
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Static definitely could be the issue, and if it's not to a level where it's lifting the hair off your arm as you place the record on your turntable, I recommend giving this brush a try: Amazon product ASIN B08113TFRV
I was having a bit of crackle on occasion with ultrasonically cleaned records and this brush seems to have eliminated that for the most part. (I suppose it also will solve the problem if it's caused by dust that finds its way to the record between cleaning and playing.)
I love this brush. Cheapest thing I ever bought that had noticable impact on improving the sound.
the first step was my routine before getting the US cleaner, static and any noise were almost inaudible. Under intense lighting, I can see the grooves were cleaned which lead me to believe it may be static build up

Ty for the recommendation, haven't really been impressed with the Zerostat if I'm being honest.
With the zerostat make sure you’re using it correctly! I was using it incorrectly for awhile before and now it works like a charm