Unknown Member

Yeah no thanks to this one. I've got the QRP AAA as well and the difference ain't gunna be worth it for me. Electric Ladyland is far better recorded and it's likely still going to kill anything they can do with this one in terms of fidelity. And you can also get that one for $20.
Yeah I mean *I* don't need this but please don't let me stop anyone from being happy about grabbing it. I'm sure it'll sound awesome. I know @marshall snagged one this morning and I look forward to hearing how it sounds vs the current family press. I think Marshall is trying to corner the market on the UHQRs.
Oh I don't doubt it, *I* just don't need to drop another $125+ on it vs my current copy.
Also I don't trust Fremers objectively with these releases any longer. Sure it sounds better than the AAA $20 pressing. I mean it had better. But does it sound $125 better? Can't help but notice he totally avoids that part of the equation. Because he's shown quite clearly over the past year that he doesn't even consider price when looking at the value of these expensive reissues vs older pressings.