Definitive Audiophile pressings

Why buy the entire inventory out though? Why not just tell the store "give me one of everything, yes literally everything" and let them take care of it. it's a lot of dupes for no reason.
Because these types of people have more money than brains. There is zero chance the person who did this actually likes music. They just wanted to be able to tell people they did this. It's the boringest laziest thing ever to purchase an entire stores music inventory, especially considering whomever did this probably mainly listens to Imagine Dragons.
Because these types of people have more money than brains. There is zero chance the person who did this actually likes music. They just wanted to be able to tell people they did this. It's the boringest laziest thing ever to purchase an entire stores music inventory, especially considering whomever did this probably mainly listens to Imagine Dragons.
i mean, if *I* won the lottery, i would definitely 100% buy like 52 copies of whipped cream and other delights and send one a week to you, but, you know, for fun, not because i just wanted to buy a store's entire inventory out
Because these types of people have more money than brains. There is zero chance the person who did this actually likes music. They just wanted to be able to tell people they did this. It's the boringest laziest thing ever to purchase an entire stores music inventory, especially considering whomever did this probably mainly listens to Imagine Dragons.
Was 45Mike on vacation in California?