Definitive Audiophile pressings

I am not into lawsuits. So I have no idea how it turns out.
This video with the WP journalist was interesting.
He seems like a pretty neutral person in this debacle.

Agree with their discussion in the video, I think where Mofi is most at risk is the damning emails from their customer service and that ridiculous one step insert leaving out the digital step. How much water it carries is TBD.

I am not into lawsuits. So I have no idea how it turns out.
This video with the WP journalist was interesting.
He seems like a pretty neutral person in this debacle.

Agree with their discussion in the video, I think where Mofi is most at risk is the damning emails from their customer service and that ridiculous one step insert leaving out the digital step. How much water it carries is TBD.

WTF! 58 Minutes... The internet seriously overestimates my attention span sometimes.
apparently not enough stock....i got a paypal refund today...
When did you place your order? I called to check on my order. It still says pending and the lady said I may not get it because they forgot to enter the order.

To top that off, one of my friends was able to secure their last two copies for himself on the phone this morning.

If mine gets cancelled because they fucked up, it’s not going to be a nice phone call.
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When did you place your order?
When did you place your order? I called to check on my order. It still says pending and the lady said I may not get it because they forgot to enter the order.

To top that off, one of my friends was able to secure their last two copies for himself on the phone this morning.

If mine gets cancelled because they fucked up, it’s not going to be a nice phone call.
Those fucks just cancelled my order too. I’m waiting on a return call to discuss how an online dealer can get copies today but my order from Saturday gets cancelled.
I placed my order online and then called to confirm it Saturday around 11cst.
When did you place your order? I called to check on my order. It still says pending and the lady said I may not get it because they forgot to enter the order.

To top that off, one of my friends was able to secure their last two copies for himself on the phone this morning.

If mine gets cancelled because they fucked up, it’s not going to be a nice phone call.
Good time to test the relationship with your friend?:unsure: