Well-Known Member
Got my Bill Withers order from Music Direct but there packaging is poor, all 4 records have dinked corners. I'm yet to open them & listen to them
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OTOH Music Direct is making some questionable calls. I have had some super boxed orders and one that made it but like yours should have been better given the premium contents.
Then they held back a stack of Miles Jack Johnson MoFi LPs and sold the now sold out title at 2x retail. I bought one but it didn’t sit to well.
Most recently I bought the just going out of print MoFi Ry Cooders Boomer’s Story and Paradise & Lunch. Both were in stock at retail price when I ordered. They texted and said they were sold out of Paradise & Lunch and it was out of print. 10 days later and they have stock at $100 a pop.

I found one somewhere else at retail. Hoping it shows undamaged.