Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

I appreciate the attention this topic has provided. My utility has a promotion on installation of whole house protection of which I will take advantage.

Additionally, I found that the surge protection on my office audio system was not up to par given multiple upgrades to that system. A new Isobar Ultra will go in there prior to the whole house protection.
Who would one hire to install a whole house surge protector? Im not seeing anything at my utility company about it
Who would one hire to install a whole house surge protector? Im not seeing anything at my utility company about it
An electrician. I looked up my utility and they are selling them with a subscription/insurance plan. I may call up my electrician and see what he says and how much it would cost to install. They are very cheap at like Home Depot/etc…
West coast (British Columbia).

Any thoughts on the Cambridge AXA35 or Rotel A10?
Both the Rotel and the Cambridge are competent performers, although I would give the Rotel an edge in performance and power, but the Cambridge has more I/O and swagger.

The choice between NAD, Rotel and Cambridge depends on your priorities for your system, not that any of them are a bad choice.
An electrician. I looked up my utility and they are selling them with a subscription/insurance plan. I may call up my electrician and see what he says and how much it would cost to install. They are very cheap at like Home Depot/etc…

Thanks. That’s what I figured. Couldn’t see anything about it through Con Ed
I've had them installed in multiple houses over the years.
Each time an electrician did the work in 30 mins or less. It's pretty straightforward as long as the wiring is accessible.
Sometimes they can even provide the surge device for you. Each electrician is different. Just use a decent one with a good reputation 😉
A whole house surge protection completely saved a house in TX.
Completely melted the fuse box at the AC unit at the time but everything in the house from the breaker box was unharmed.

I now also put surge devices at my AC units too.
I've had them installed in multiple houses over the years.
Each time an electrician did the work in 30 mins or less. It's pretty straightforward as long as the wiring is accessible.
Sometimes they can even provide the surge device for you. Each electrician is different. Just use a decent one with a good reputation 😉
A whole house surge protection completely saved a house in TX.
Completely melted the fuse box at the AC unit at the time but everything in the house from the breaker box was unharmed.

I now also put surge devices at my AC units too.
Funny enough, I just checked and the previous owner had one installed here. Anyone know how long they last? I’d like to make sure it’s good as my wife just got an EV, which tacks a considerable sum on top of the electronics and home appliances that could be damaged.
Yes, I believe they all have a status light. If it doesn't, I'm sure an electrician could tell you.
I am not sure.
I think after so many surges, they just tend to die out. It's pretty much a disposable item for the most part. Some people have better utilities than others so lifetime varies widely.

Breakers, GFCI, outlets, etc... are the same IMO. Best to replace them once a decade or so.
Here’s some interesting quips from my utility:

Will the meter-base protector protect all my equipment?​

No, we recommend our layered protection. Power surges can enter the home in two ways:
  1. through phone lines, cable, satellite lines or means other than the electric service entry at the meter,
  2. through the ground or a direct lightning strike rather than the power lines
Our meter-base protector, the first layer of protection offers excellent protection on appliances such as dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. While the meter-base protector offers protection from power surges, a small portion of surges can still pass through interior wiring, where it can damage sensitive electronics.

Does Duke Energy offer any surge protection for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs)?​

Although Duke Energy's meter-base device will provide a level of protection to PEV charging units, at this time those items, as well as the vehicle, are not covered under any of the surge products. Duke Energy currently does not offer surge protection devices for standalone, remotely located, PEV charging units. However, such devices are available on the market and a licensed electrical contractor may be able to install one upon request.

So, from all this, I still better invest in Isobars!
Here’s some interesting quips from my utility:

Will the meter-base protector protect all my equipment?​

No, we recommend our layered protection. Power surges can enter the home in two ways:
  1. through phone lines, cable, satellite lines or means other than the electric service entry at the meter,
  2. through the ground or a direct lightning strike rather than the power lines
Our meter-base protector, the first layer of protection offers excellent protection on appliances such as dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. While the meter-base protector offers protection from power surges, a small portion of surges can still pass through interior wiring, where it can damage sensitive electronics.

Does Duke Energy offer any surge protection for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs)?​

Although Duke Energy's meter-base device will provide a level of protection to PEV charging units, at this time those items, as well as the vehicle, are not covered under any of the surge products. Duke Energy currently does not offer surge protection devices for standalone, remotely located, PEV charging units. However, such devices are available on the market and a licensed electrical contractor may be able to install one upon request.

So, from all this, I still better invest in Isobars!
I haven't heard about meter protection. Interesting stuff.

I hate my power company so I wouldn't trust them to put their name on the toilet paper. That's probably where they belong 🙄
It’s probably time to upgrade my Hana SL. It’s been on for 3 years. Probably my favorite cartridge thus far. I was thinking about going back to MM and getting the Ortofon Black since they say it pairs well with the Rega P6 and because it’s cheaper. But I’m afraid I’ll be taking a step back from the Hana SL.. I was looking at the Hana ML but I dunno if I’m ready to spend over $1000 on a Stylus. Hmm..decisions, decisions.
It’s probably time to upgrade my Hana SL. It’s been on for 3 years. Probably my favorite cartridge thus far. I was thinking about going back to MM and getting the Ortofon Black since they say it pairs well with the Rega P6 and because it’s cheaper. But I’m afraid I’ll be taking a step back from the Hana SL.. I was looking at the Hana ML but I dunno if I’m ready to spend over $1000 on a Stylus. Hmm..decisions, decisions.
Alternatively, you could specify a microridge stylus retip on a SL body. I spent $360 to retip my ML with VAS in 2022.