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The UPS worked flawlessly this week.
Spinning records and the lights and TV dropped out.
Caught me off guard because the vinyl music never even missed a beat. Quiet impressed with how quickly the battery power took control and the sound quality never even changed a tune. UPS shows I had ~17mins left before the stereo drained it. The amps are hungry bitches.
Definitely enough to finish enjoying a side of a record with my drink.😎

I put another UPS on my router also.
Router no longer does a 5 minute reboot with power fluctuating or dropping out.
No more dropped work calls as long as I have fiber Internet.
I can lose power and never even know it on the tablet or phone.
That runs a lot longer. Maybe 90 mins to 120 mins before UPS is drained.
The UPS worked flawlessly this week.
Spinning records and the lights and TV dropped out.
Caught me off guard because the vinyl music never even missed a beat. Quiet impressed with how quickly the battery power took control and the sound quality never even changed a tune. UPS shows I had ~17mins left before the stereo drained it. The amps are hungry bitches.
Definitely enough to finish enjoying a side of a record with my drink.😎

I put another UPS on my router also.
Router no longer does a 5 minute reboot with power fluctuating or dropping out.
No more dropped work calls as long as I have fiber Internet.
I can lose power and never even know it on the tablet or phone.
That runs a lot longer. Maybe 90 mins to 120 mins before UPS is drained.
Love this idea. I have a spare UPS that is unused - I’ll put my fiber-fed router on it once I get home.
Input requested — Please let me know if this would be better in the Mofi Ultradeck thread.

I bought an old copy of Dexter Gordon “Go” that has a bumpy edge warp. Here’s a vid of it. Quality of the vid could be better for sure (phone is not held steady), but I think it gives a good sense.

Focusing on what you see, not hear bc there’s plenty of background noise and I don’t think the warp affects play, do you think the cantilever is fine w/ this bumpiness? I can try to flatten it out a bit w the Vinyl Flat, although this is not the type of warmup that thing really specializes in.


Yeah agreed, I'm probably not playing that either. I could probably get it flat in my Furutech If you wanted. But shipping would probably make it pointless unless it's really high value...
Not sure I’d be comfortable playing that one.

Yeah agreed, I'm probably not playing that either. I could probably get it flat in my Furutech If you wanted. But shipping would probably make it pointless unless it's really high value...
You guys have scared me a little here and probably for the good, because I think I've played ones that were worse than this but still tracked ok. I've never done it on my more expensive carts, but have on my cheaper ones. Is the main concern that it wears down the stylus and the record, or is there other damage that can happen?
You guys have scared me a little here and probably for the good, because I think I've played ones that were worse than this but still tracked ok. I've never done it on my more expensive carts, but have on my cheaper ones. Is the main concern that it wears down the stylus and the record, or is there other damage that can happen?
Honestly on a less expensive stylus I probably wouldn't mind too much but that's going to wear the record grooves and possibly do a bit of a number on the cantilever I would think. I mean I really don't know much but for me gradual movements are ok but anything sharp or bouncy like that I try to avoid.
Input requested — Please let me know if this would be better in the Mofi Ultradeck thread.

I bought an old copy of Dexter Gordon “Go” that has a bumpy edge warp. Here’s a vid of it. Quality of the vid could be better for sure (phone is not held steady), but I think it gives a good sense.

Focusing on what you see, not hear bc there’s plenty of background noise and I don’t think the warp affects play, do you think the cantilever is fine w/ this bumpiness? I can try to flatten it out a bit w the Vinyl Flat, although this is not the type of warmup that thing really specializes in.


Pick up another one from Amazon and swap it out
You guys have scared me a little here and probably for the good, because I think I've played ones that were worse than this but still tracked ok. I've never done it on my more expensive carts, but have on my cheaper ones. Is the main concern that it wears down the stylus and the record, or is there other damage that can happen?
Any wear that happens unevenly to your stylus will cause uneven wear in the grooves of all the records you play.
For those following this, here’s an opinion from Mofi Electronics. I don’t know what to the think but will play it safe regardless!! 🤔

View attachment 209508
I’m inclined to believe that if the stylus is not mistracking and the cartridge is not “bottoming out” on the record, then the record will be safe to play.

The suspension in a cartridge is designed to work with a tonearm of certain mass to navigate grooves both laterally and vertically. The amount of playing time this one record will represent in the lifespan of the cartridge will be minimal.
Honestly on a less expensive stylus I probably wouldn't mind too much but that's going to wear the record grooves and possibly do a bit of a number on the cantilever I would think. I mean I really don't know much but for me gradual movements are ok but anything sharp or bouncy like that I try to avoid.
Agree. My concern was for the cantilever as well. I have zero facts to back it up but I would think that kind of abrupt movement over and over would shorten the anticipated life of the cantilever. Better safe than sorry.