Hip Hop

Lex Records has been putting out the singles and doing the press on this so I’d guess it’s coming through them. So yeah, it’s coming from Europe, but their shipping rates seem to be much better than some of the other labels. Plus, I think Lex distributes everywhere, so this should be fairly easy to get. I’m hopeful, anyway. This look dope!

I just got the press release and it's definitely Lex.


Just in case anyone is interested Jamil Honesty - Martyr Music 2 goes up at Copenhagen Crates in less than 2 hours.
"The Bot"

So they're saying 1 dude with 6 accounts is doing this via one bot. Wild loll

I've seen these things before. Some dicks have actually posted their screenshots on their ebay listings as evidence that they have a bunch of confirmed orders. One screen with a massive verticle list of names/accounts with transactions in some wack program. They'll especially do this on releases that limit sales to 1 per person. It just generates different fake accounts and maxes out the limit with each of them, like a bunch of fake buyers all reached in and grabbed one at the same time.