TL;DR version: hot takes are awesome; your favorite musician sucks; and eternity is but a mere moment, just long enough for a joke
Not a hot take but some ruminations/rants esp re: "understanding" something, liking it, and the cross section of musicianship/talent and "goodness".
(Below artists are interchangeable and placeholders)
I remember thinking this around the time Lady Gaga first started becoming popular because she has such a rabid fanbase (not unprecedented). A lot of arguments would be that if you don't like her then you do not understand her; or, conversely, that if you understand her then you would surely like her. However, this is a false dilemma if I've ever seen one. That you couldn't possibly both understand exactly what Lady Gaga is/was doing and still not like her is rubbish. She isn't some esoteric pop star plying the arcane magic of melody. In fact, she wasn't without forebearers so seeing lineage and the progression of the art/artists that became her's is not difficult if you like to nerd out about stuff like that. Also, I'm not saying I do or do not like her - simply that I hate that forced either/or false dilemma that is a weak counter-argument; and you see that where there is any diehard fandom. In fact, you shouldn't really need to argue about whether an artist is good or not; it's super subjective and if your sense of self worth is tied into that of a musical artist then you should reevalutate your self (although that's mostly just me being a harsh ass).
Then there is this idea of talent and good, and the respect you can have for even the things you do not like. I don't like a lot of popular pop. Oh, I like pop music but not necessarily the charting stuff. For example, I do not like Backstreet Boys (I'm out of date with what would be their modern equivalent). I've probably uttered the words "The Backstreet Boys suck". But you better believe that I respect them. I respect that they grind and work and produce something that entertains someone. It may not have the depth or sound or perspective that I enjoy, but I can't help but respect them - even if I don't think they are good. So, damn right, they're talented. Musicianship? Meh. But talented - hell yes!
Likewise: Yngwie Malmsteen - talented? Yes! Musicianship? Dude is one of the most technically gifted guitarists of all time! Do I want to listen to ever? Hell no! But I respect the levels to which he has brought his talent and can be impressed by it.
I guess what I'm saying is you can be talented, too, and not good. Because good is not a static thing or a thing that can be captured. Good is the cud you chew over and over.
In closing, I like Radiohead. But Trent Reznor is the most influential musician of the last 30 years and the most iconoclastic auteur. Kanye West is one of the greatest hip hop producers ever but a mediocre lyricist; and, while I'm usually not phased by the braggadocio of rappers since it's embedded in the art form, Kanye comes off as a punk I'd like to put over my knee. Taylor Swift is a mayonnaise and cucumber sandwich.
The Prince evals aren’t wrong. I love Prince. The single artist I’ve collected the most of. But yea the mid 90s on...ooph! I also listen to N.E.W.S. and Rainbow Children. Really, the Prince evals are wrong.