Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

Seems unlikely that the Yen will dip again any time soon, should I bite on the Nagaoka MP-200 while it's still under $300?
I really like my MP-300, so - sure!
I've been wanting to try a Nagaoka cartridge 5ever and the 200 seems like a good entry point. The tension right now is between waiting to see if this is a temporary blip in the rise of the Yen, or buy now assuming this is as low as it gets for a while.
I've been wanting to try a Nagaoka cartridge 5ever and the 200 seems like a good entry point. The tension right now is between waiting to see if this is a temporary blip in the rise of the Yen, or buy now assuming this is as low as it gets for a while.
I should bite the bullet now on a new MP-500 stylus, too.
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Orchard Audio Starkrimson Ultra in the house!

Lightning storm damaged my Kinki Studio EX-M1+ a couple of weeks ago. The R8 went back into full time duty and did well. But I like having a solid state amp in the fleet and decided to give the Starkrimson Ultra a try. Long story short. It’s good. Very good.

The ultra is clear and neutral sounding, great bass response with my s400 mkII speakers. Subs haven’t been turned on since I put the Ultra in the stack. I have been using my Eversolo DMP-A8 as a preamp and it’s performing well in that capacity. The A8/Ultra combo doesn’t have the sweetness of my Kinki amp, but it sounds really good.

I’ve been in touch with Kinki Studio to see what support options I have to fix the EX-M1+. They suggested I try replacing the fuses on the right channel module and sent instructions for how to make the repair. I’m going to give it a try as I would love to get that amp back in the rotation. Stay tuned for updates…

I have been listening to the DMP-A8, Starkrimson Ultra, s400 mkII setup for a little over a week now and it has really grown on me now that my ears have broken in. The s400 love the power from the Ultra (500w in 4ohm). The bass is tight and plentiful, nice midrange and highs (never sibilant), and the sound stage is grand. The setup produces a better holographic image than than my R8 tube amp.

In addition to being an exception DAC and streamer the A8 is also proving to be a really good preamp. I have connected my DL MP7B to the A8 and my records sound excellent.

I can’t say how much of the SQ is because of the A8, Ultra, or s400. I can say that the synergy is there and the highest compliment I can pay the setup is that I don’t want to stop listening to it.
Was (barely!!) able to install and align the Nagaoka MP-110 I purchased from @throwingthings on my spare beta tonearm. There’s a bit of ground loop hum, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s related to the contortions I had to subject the tonearm wires to in order to get the thing aligned. Might toy with it more later.

decided to pick up a VM95C to swap in and figure out if it’s the cart or the tonearm that’s producing the buzz. Cuz hey, might as well throw a little good money after the bad.

Kinda hoping it’s the tonearm wiring, since it’s a spare with a beta headshell and I don’t particularly care if it’s defective.

Back to the SAE for now!
I grabbed two of the tonearms and three belts ($5 each).
Yeah, I picked up spare belts last time I messaged them to ask about tonearm wiring. It was from going back and reading that conversation again that I realized while they didn't carry spare wiring, the way their email was phrased made it sound like they might have whole tonearms. So I followed up to confirm.

Once the new one gets here I'll have three functional tonearms (four if it turns out the one the Nagaoka is currently mounted on is working properly), two final models. Happily, the SAE aligns perfectly on the old beta headshell, so I'll keep that one around.

edit: on the topic of the Nagaoka, my VM95C just arrived. time to hook it up and see where the problem lies.