Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

I should bite the bullet now on a new MP-500 stylus, too.
Just got the MP-500 stylus today. It will be a few months before I start using it as my MP-300 stylus still has some life left. But, I must say as this is my third or fourth order of audio "stuff" directly from Japan, it's always proven to be as fast and efficient as ordering anything domestically. This last order was from CD Japan. I won't be hesitant at all ordering from Japan anymore.
Plot twist: the new tonearm also has a buzz! Since I don’t have any issue with my HOMC or MI cartridges, I’m wondering if it’s related to using a MM cart with the passthrough on my Denon SUT. But also I don’t really want to rewire things to find out, so I’m just going to leave things as is. At the very least, this new tonearm has a proper head shell that made it far easier to align the cart, so no regrets on the purchase. Still, weird one.
I'm curious if they'll generate much more heat than my tubes.
I'm curious about that too. My home office isn't all that big and even with the blinds closed and the AC on it can get kind of toasty in there. When I used these for a day it was noticably a few degrees higher in the room and my AC was running non-stop. Didn't want to kill my power bill since it's already more than doubled this summer from the heat we've had. But I really like these units and am excited to make greater use of them in the cooler months. I never thought my Klipsch's were lacking until I hooked them up to this and they loved the extra juice. I had to turn down my volume significantly and the low end was thumping. It's a shame that I enjoy playing with new equipment so much. It makes record collecting seem like a cheap hobby, lol.
Messing around with them right now. They sound good! I think I miss a little of the lovely tubey softness from the KingKo, but the Fosis do seem to have slightly more defined imaging. The power advantage doesn’t feel as significant as you’d expect based on the wattage - I’ve got the Khozmo within a couple clicks of the typical volume level, plus or minus.

There does seem to be a little more mid-bass presence, but it’s not nearly as profound a difference as I’d been afraid of based on the info @Angsty posted.

I’ve mostly been testing with pop and dance music (Dua Lipa at the moment) and it’s been a very pleasant experience. Will throw on some softer, more acoustic records (Adrianne Lenker?) later and see if the Fosis project the same sense of atmosphere as the KingKo.
Turns out dual-mono phono into dual-mono power amps has really nice imaging. Who knew? (I now kinda wish I had gotten a dual-mono Khozmo just to complete the trifecta!)

@Hemotep heat-wise, these things aren’t even close to the KingKo. They’re warm, but I can rest my hand on top of them without discomfort. Try that with tubes!
Turns out dual-mono phono into dual-mono power amps has really nice imaging. Who knew? (I now kinda wish I had gotten a dual-mono Khozmo just to complete the trifecta!)

@Hemotep heat-wise, these things aren’t even close to the KingKo. They’re warm, but I can rest my hand on top of them without discomfort. Try that with tubes!
I don't think I could ever do tubes. My personality would be constantly questioning the integrity of the tubes and wanting to try different ones in there. It would detract from my experience, haha.
I don't think I could ever do tubes. My personality would be constantly questioning the integrity of the tubes and wanting to try different ones in there. It would detract from my experience, haha.
I really do love the KingKo, but so far these Monos are pretty killer for the price, and the efficiency and convenience are hard to argue. I’m gonna give them a week and then put the KingKo back in and see if I’m still carrier away by the delicious warmth. Klipsch and Tubes!