Give shine to the women in your collection! Bonus points for playing an album by a band with all female members.
So many ways to go with this one, so I was running through my collection in my upcoming letters to listen to and found the one.
I've mentioned a few times here I'm a kind of obsessive Jenny Lewis collector. Even accepting that I'll probably never pony up for the more expensive Rilo Kiley releases, she has a lot of other goodies to work with. Her more popular collaborative release with all women was probably with the Watson Twins (and if anyone wants to break that one out it'd be sweeeeet), but this one kind of...slipped under the radar? It's Jenny Lewis, Erika Spring (of Au Revoir Simone), and Tennessee Thomas (The Like, Scott Pilgrim)'s one-off album. From what I can see, it pretty much just happened - no real publicity, no real promotion, just put out to the world.
I'd argue it's among her coolest albums - tons of musical influences she hadn't played with much before (you can her some riot grrl calls in there, some new wave), it's a release in many ways after she had been trying so hard to really make that perfect Jenny Lewis album. It's a release. This isn't a masterpiece but it's the kind of album I bet a lot of artists wish they did.
Sorry for the profanity folks - I'll black it out it if you're not wanting to see an F-bomb or two and keep the image as a thumbnail. Bonus point me up too - NAF
Nice As Fuck - Nice As Fuck