Day 10 - YEARN
This entire album is about yearning.
It's about yearning for things the way they were ("Pretty Good Year").
It's about yearning to be somewhere else ("The Wrong Band").
It's about yearning for revenge ("The Waitress").
It's about yearning for safety or forgiveness ("Yes, Anastasia").
It's about yearning to allowed to be accepted as yourself ("Cornflake Girl").
At least, these are my takeaways.
Nowhere else on the album is the yearning more palpable for me than the song "Baker Baker." Over three minutes, she lists every mistake and misstep she made to push someone away far enough that she will never be able to reach out and pull back again. It's such a stark, eviscerating self-indictment that the last words of the song ("I wonder if he's okay/if you see him, say 'hi'") when taken out of context don't mean much... but bearing the weight of the previous stanzas, the way she can barely choke out and exhale the word "hi" is enough to make this grown man have to tense his breathing and his chest to hold back the tears.
I am not ashamed to admit that.
Because I have yearned like that too.