May 2021 - Vinyl Spins Challenge Thread

Day 19: Family
Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today.

My dad was mostly into big band / standards kind of things with one unusual exception - Creedence Clearwater Revival.

The radio hits sucked me in. The deeper cuts were even better.

Here's an LP from the family collection...


One of those smokin' deep cuts...

A bonus pic of CCR eating at a prehistoric Taco Bell...

Day 18: N&G AoTM

I've only really participated in a couple N&G AoTM, all of them have been great picks, but I just haven't had a lot of time to spend in those threads recently.

I think this is my most re-played one and while I had heard the band, I didn't have any of their stuff, so it lead me to getting all their thanks for that @Goatfish.

Khemmis ‎– Hunted
20 Buck Spin ‎– Spin076, 2016/2018

Silver Inside Electric Blue w/ White Splatter variant

Pressed by GZ/Pirate Press


Day 19: Family

Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today

Steely Dan - Aja

Neither of my parents were super into music. My Pop preferred MOR arena rock; Chicago, Doobie Brothers, The Eagles, Styx, Billy Joel, etc… My Mom for the most part preferred Pop and R&B; Elton John, Chaka Kahn, Madonna, Whitney Houston; She would even brag that she preferred the Monkees to the Beatles growing up. My Mom also had a soft spot for Steely Dan’s Aja. It really didn’t seem to fit with most of the other albums in her collection and turns out the album for her, was attached to nostalgia more than anything. Turns out when she was in college she and a few of her girlfriends decided on a whim to drive down to Florida from Illinois for Spring break and the only 8-Track they had in the car was Aja so they listened to over and over and over again during the 18+ hour drive to South Florida and then back again. I always love stories like this about my parents, I know they had lives before becoming parents but sometimes it’s nice to have a reminder.
Day 19: Family
Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today

Elvis Presley "From Elvis In Memphis" (1969 RCA; 2003 Speakers Corner remaster)

My dad is a big Elvis fan. He even shed a few tears and played Elvis for weeks when Elvis passed (did he?). This record is going to be the stand-in for his introduction of Elvis to me.

The record that played a lot at the house was this one, which I kept for a while but eventually donated because it became over-used and unplayable.

Day 19: Family

The Neville Brothers - Brother's Keeper


One of my stepdad's all-time favourite songs is Aaron Neville's cover of "Bird On A Wire." I don't know where he knew the song from but it took pre-teen me quite some time to track down a copy of this album on CD for one of his birthdays or Christmas, or whichever. I can't recall if I got him Yellow Moon before or after - either way, whenever he wanted to listen to either album he usually had to come get them out of my room. My love of both albums has only grown in the decades since, and I've enjoyed digging ever deeper into New Orleans funk along the way.
Day 19: Family

Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today.

Kero Kero Bonito - Bonito Generation

No, I didn't hear about this one from my family, but there's a sad, stupid reason it's my pick today. The truth is, I can't think of anything I can play that I heard thanks to my family. When I was little, my dad remarried and let's just say that my stepmother killed the music. She liked the adult contemporary station (this was the 90s), and her preferences combined with her religious ideas meant nothing but her favorite radio station or church music were allowed. I would sneak other music, but getting caught was punished fairly harshly. I remember getting grounded for a week (no TV, music, reading, or leaving the house) because I got caught listening to the local rock channel and a Matchbox 20 song was on, which was deemed "heavy" and "psychedelic." I did start buying a few CDs and hiding them the one place she would never look- at the bottom of my dirty clothes hamper... but for the most part, my music discovery was on my own and really took off when I left for college. In an alternate world, I would have learned about the bands my dad liked in high school, like ELO and the Police and such, from him, but since his music got banished as well, I only found out about it recently, when my dad visited and saw an ELO album I have and told me about how he had that album and started telling me what he used to listen to.

So, I have to flip this prompt around and do something my kids like because I played it for them, like this album, which my 12-year-old daughter keeps proudly on display in her room when it's not being played.

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Day 19: Family

Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today

Deodato - Prelude

Normally I'd play Carole King or Carly Simon because those were two of my mom's favorites and so I in turn still love most of that stuff today. But here's one that my parents had, that I really still can't figure out why. I never knew them to listen to any other jazz. But 8 year old me was so taken by Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001) and intrigued by the cover art....even though the cover art kind of scared me too.

Day 19: Family
Play an album that you were introduced to in your youth by your family and that you still love today

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass


I thought this would be a tough one because my dad always had something playing when I was growing up, but this album is the best representation of the type of music that was most frequent. After he died, this is what I listened to on repeat, trying so hard to not let him go
Day 20: Scottish Tunes
The country my Dad is from. Play me something by an artist born in Scotland.

One of my all-time favorite bands. Hearing this record for the first time in 1985 was a total epiphany.

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy


Bonus link to a montage of my JAMC recording from The Hopscotch Music Festival 2012. It's a burner!

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Hopscotch 2012 Montage
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Day 18 - ROTM


Lou Reed - The Blue Mask

I really want to get more involved with that section of the forum but for some reason I usually make 1 comment in a thread then vanish into the night lol. And i wanna listen to all the albums chosen but I've just added them to the backlog of music i need to listen to.

But this pick was one I checked out and I'm so glad I did! Love this album and it also pushed me to listen to "Transformer" which is a phenomenal record
Day 19: Family
Iron Maiden-Fear of the Dark

Growing up with an older sister and close cousins that were all older than me; I was heavily influenced by their music taste when I was young. 2 of my cousins were huge into Maiden, and looking at their CD wallets, I quickly became obsessed with all the Eddy artwork on the covers and discs. I was 7 when this album came out, and went along with my cousin to pick up the CD. It was the first music I had heard from them, and couldn't get the title track out of my head after hearing it. A couple years later, and it was one of the first CDs I bought for myself, and quickly fell in love with the album!
Day 20: Scottish Tunes
The country my Dad is from. Play me something by an artist born in Scotland.

One of my all-time favorite bands. Hearing this record for the first time in 1985 was a total epiphany.

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy

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Bonus link to a montage of my JAMC recording from The Hopscotch Music Festival 2012. It's a burner!

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Hopscotch 2012 Montage
I remember a friend put the first 3 singles on a tape in early 85 for me. I had absolutely no warning what would come of out the speakers on my portable tape deck and my brain fucking melted. I listened to those 6 or 7 songs over and over. Wore the tape out in a month.
Day 19 - Family

My dad played Queen all the time when I was growing up. Their singles are so catchy they’re easy to like as a little kid. I even brought his copy of Greatest Hits on vinyl to kindergarten show and tell (which was probably weird since vinyl was already getting scarce in ‘91-92 - basically everything else I remember my parents playing was on CD). Most of his Queen records got pretty trashed (including Greatest Hits), but this one is left in good shape.
