Well-Known Member
I hate the ending of Interstellar* but still love the movie. Really I have enjoyed everything Nolan has released since Momento, I think Nolan’s biggest flaw as a screenwriter is just going about 30 minutes too long on most of his films. I feel like if he would just leave off those extra bits he would be one of my favorite directors but he always attempts to push things beyond which just mucks thing up just enough. I am a person who appreciates visuals quite a bit and am willing to overlook him sticking the landing if I am visually awed by his cinematography.Interstellar slander will not be tolerated.
*Intersteller should have ended when Mcconaughey decides to sacrifice himself to the black hole in an attempt to save humanity. If the movie ended there It might have been an all time sci-fi film for me but the stuff with going through the black hole and and then becoming some ghost steering his daughter then physically surviving and being reunited with his family was just sappy and ridiculous. I think there was another path that would have been much more satisfying. Even still the movie is so incredible outside that it’s still a film I’ve watched multiple times.