Political Discussion

Things aren't a problem unless they're a problem for us. So sure, Trump will deport migrants. That won't affect them...until they want to fix up their house or the price of agriculture or meat goes up tremendously. It won't affect them until a family they knew is suddenly gone with no explanation.
This story has lived rent-free in my head since 2016. This is why I am always dumbstruck by people who dismiss warnings that “it’s only a matter of time until it affects you” - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...save-a-trump-voters-husband-from-deportation/

This quote essentially “Defending her vote, Helen Beristain quoted Trump directly, noting that the tough-talking Republican said he would kick only the “bad hombres” out of the country, according to the South Bend Tribune. I wish I didn’t vote at all,” Helen Beristain told the Tribune. “I did it for the economy. We needed a change.“
This story has lived rent-free in my head since 2016. This is why I am always dumbstruck by people who dismiss warnings that “it’s only a matter of time until it affects you” - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...save-a-trump-voters-husband-from-deportation/

This quote essentially “Defending her vote, Helen Beristain quoted Trump directly, noting that the tough-talking Republican said he would kick only the “bad hombres” out of the country, according to the South Bend Tribune. I wish I didn’t vote at all,” Helen Beristain told the Tribune. “I did it for the economy. We needed a change.“
There was a whole lot of that the day after he won to the end of his term to today, yet it’s still a statistical draw. It should be a fucking landslide.
See, this is what pisses me off…

He’s early voting, but one of his campaign talking points is securing elections through election date only voting. The people should be inconvenienced in voting but me, I should have a nice easy stroll.
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They really have made this immigration thing a focus of the campaign, I just saw an ad for an incumbent Dem US Rep for NC about how border security is important and illustrated his record on the issue.

I know I don’t speak for other North Carolinians but you know what has almost no impact on my daily life? Illegal border crossings in Texas.

If there are folks swimming in at the coast, more power to them.
They really have made this immigration thing a focus of the campaign, I just saw an ad for an incumbent Dem US Rep for NC about how border security is important and illustrated his record on the issue.

I know I don’t speak for other North Carolinians but you know what has almost no impact on my daily life? Illegal border crossings in Texas.

If there are folks swimming in at the coast, more power to them.
I know I am pinko commie but I hate border issues. If they would let people come and work legally without having a million hoops to jump through so many of these issues would go away. Let them come in and register. They can get drivers license, work permits and pay taxes. If they wanna become citizens they can apply. If they commit crimes they can be deported. This issue is so incredibly simply to solve but the Right needs a boogie man so this is bullshit we and these poor immigrants have to deal with.
They really have made this immigration thing a focus of the campaign, I just saw an ad for an incumbent Dem US Rep for NC about how border security is important and illustrated his record on the issue.

I know I don’t speak for other North Carolinians but you know what has almost no impact on my daily life? Illegal border crossings in Texas.

If there are folks swimming in at the coast, more power to them.
It's selling fear and playing on grievances against the scary "others". If they can invade Texas, surely they'll make their way up to North Carolina.

I know I am pinko commie but I hate border issues. If they would let people come and work legally without having a million hoops to jump through so many of these issues would go away. Let them come in and register. They can get drivers license, work permits and pay taxes. If they wanna become citizens they can apply. If they commit crimes they can be deported. This issue is so incredibly simply to solve but the Right needs a boogie man so this is bullshit we and these poor immigrants have to deal with.
20 million + are already doing it. They contribute to our economy every day. It's beyond time to get something done and it's sad that George W Bush was our last best chance for real work permit reform. You don't have to give them the right to vote, in fact, permanent residents can't vote any way. But the Right just can't get past that one time someone did something illegal. But like you said, they need the "other" to campaign against. My line of work involves lots of people who are here on work visas or are permanent residents. They have good paying jobs. They contribute to small businesses. The same happens with people who aren't here legally. Just cut the bullshit and let's get things to a place where school kids don't have to worry if their parents might be deported or caught up in a sweep.
It's selling fear and playing on grievances against the scary "others". If they can invade Texas, surely they'll make their way up to North Carolina.

20 million + are already doing it. They contribute to our economy every day. It's beyond time to get something done and it's sad that George W Bush was our last best chance for real work permit reform. You don't have to give them the right to vote, in fact, permanent residents can't vote any way. But the Right just can't get past that one time someone did something illegal. But like you said, they need the "other" to campaign against. My line of work involves lots of people who are here on work visas or are permanent residents. They have good paying jobs. They contribute to small businesses. The same happens with people who aren't here legally. Just cut the bullshit and let's get things to a place where school kids don't have to worry if their parents might be deported or caught up in a sweep.
Exactly. It could easily be a non issue if we just did the moral thing but fear is about the only thing driving the GOP vote at this point.