Political Discussion

You forget how inspirational Barack can be when he isn’t in the spotlight. We truly were spoiled by him. He didn’t get everything done, but def showed us what a true leader is.

Obama/Obama 2028!!

Until it was negotiation time and then he let lobbyists do the leading.

I dropped probably 200 hours into his 08 campaign, am glad we succeeded, am greatful for the ACA and voted for him twice. And miss having somebody as eloquent as him in office.

But bailing out the banks (who helped cause the crises) while letting millions lose their homes and savings (and then allowing venture capital to turn around and buy up the housing supply for pennies on the dollar)...

Really hard for me to be nostalgic about his presidency.
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Until it was negotiation time and then he let lobbyists do the leading.

I dropped probably 200 hours into his 08 campaign, am glad we succeeded, am greatful for the ACA and voted for him twice. And miss having somebody as eloquent as him in office.

But bailing out the banks (who helped cause the crises) while letting millions lose their homes and savings (and then allowing venture capital to turn around and buy up the housing supply for pennies on the dollar)...

Really hard for me to be nostalgic about his presidency.
He did the best he could with the deck he was handed. Like Obama often quoted “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.” He came from an earnest place where he genuinely believed that he could bring together everyone and get shit done. The reason the ACA didn’t go far enough is because of “democrats” like Joe Lieberman.

Regarding the bailout, Obama didn’t repeal the Glass Steagall Act which allowed these investment banks to grow to a “too big to fail” level. He was dealing with the results. The most disappointing part of his handling was that he didn’t have Eric Holder go after the board members and CEO that allowed for them to play fast and loose with other people’s money. They should have at least ended up in the same fed pen as Bernie Madeoff and Sam Bankmen-Fried. He had to bail them out though, if they didn’t, it would have fucked over many regular people beyond and sadly even moreso than the fat cats that caused the mess.

Obama appealed to the better nature of all Americans. He was a good politician, a great man, and the best orator. I am supremely nostalgic for his presidency and hope he inspired a new generation to carry on his vision.
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He did the best he could with the deck he was handed. Like Obama often quoted “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.” He came from an earnest place where he genuinely believed that he could bring together everyone and get shit done. The reason the ACA didn’t go far enough is because of “democrats” like Joe Lieberman.

Regarding the bailout, Obama didn’t repeal the Glass Steagall Act which allowed these investment banks to grow to a “too big to fail” level. He was dealing with the results. The most disappointing part of his handling was that he didn’t have Eric Holder go after the board members and CEO that allowed for them to play fast and loose with other people’s money. They should have at least ended up in the same fed pen as Bernie Madeoff and Sam Bankmen-Fried. He had to bail them out though, if they didn’t, it would have fucked over many regular people beyond and sadly even moreso than the fat cats that caused the mess.

Obama appealed to the better nature of all Americans. He was a good politician, a great man, and the best orator. I am supremely nostalgic for his presidency and hope he inspired a new generation to carry on his vision.

I used to play the "cards he was dealt" line.

Biden got a lot more done with a similar deck. He also learned from their mistakes in handling the great recession and funneled money into citizens hands during the pandemic instead of presuming money would trickle down.

Obama did some good as president (his foreign policy especially), and we agree that his demeanor and way of handling the right is admiralable. However, the fact that he is a generational speaker causes people to overlook the fact that nearly everyone of Obama's achievements is watered down & corporate approved. Much like the fact that Biden's achievements go overlooked because he's a pooor communicator.

Bailing out the banks was justifiable if it came with actual reform. The Dodd act was a band aid on a knife wound. As evidenced by the fact that the current housing crises is a result of private equity being allowed to vulture over the mess they created.

When financial institutions cause nationwide devastation , and you let them off the hook without leveraging the bailout into real reform and you don't jail anyone it breeds deep resentments. When you tell working class, middle aged voters who supported you to "go to college" as the jobs in their rural areas disappear, it causes resentment.

No Obama did not pass the removal of Glass Stegall. No he did not pass NAFTA. But he was a neoliberal who repeatedly prioritized corporate interests over the voters who swept him into office in 08. And that has far more to do with the rise of Trump, imo, that the fact that he was a black man.

On the other hand, he very well may be looked back upon as the end of neoliberalism and the gateway to something better if we can fight off Trump. Because the Democratic Party appears to have learned their lessons and to be attempting a real return to policies that support a strong middle class.
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