Political Discussion

She’s the biggest thing in women’s team sports arguably ever. Steph Curry but also the great white hope.
I don't know who she is nor do I know who he is. People who are even only adjacent to sportsball can never empathize with those of us completely detached from sportsball. You've literally told me many things I didn't know, didn't need to know, and kind of wish I still didn't know. But, I do blame Newman for that.
Fascism has encroached unabated during Biden's tenure tho. Also leaves a pretty bad taste in your mouth when both parties brazenly try to gaslight you into thinking a genocide isn't happening when anyone online can see footage of it. Can't blame young people for saying fuck this.
I agree, of course, but you may or may not be surprised at how many college students don't even know that there's a war going on over there, what a Palestinian is, or why Israel and Palestinians have beef. I legit had a student recently say that Palestinians should just go back to Palestine, and they didn't understand why they're in Israel in the first place. Or I asked my intro class on a multiple choice exam which political party was most associated with fascism and 15 out of 60 picked the Democrats over the Nazis.

There is a ton of ignorance at all levels in our country. As Ruth was smart enough to realize and most Americans sadly don't:
