Political Discussion

I’m reading an interesting article (on HuffPost of all places) about what a Trump rally is like. When the author mentions that a recurring thing she hears is that “the assassination was an inside job,”. I have to wonder if the spouters of this theory understand what that sentence means and that it was the first thought of many folks outside of MAGA that day too. “Did Trump hire this kid?”
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Circling back around to the convo last week about how dems have shifted (further) right. At lot of the blame for that lies at the hands of the lincoln project.

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I agree with this but I would say that it’s moreso MAGA on the wholes, effect in the political ecosystem. NeoCons like Joe Scarsboro and Nicolle Wallace, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, etc. etc. are now more tied to the the Democratic Party than the GOP and unfortunately they all seem to have outsized influence on the Democratic foreign policy as a whole. The foreign policy shift has been unsettling and while the Dems foreign policy is still much less interventionist than the NeoCons they still push for an agenda that doesn’t really gel with mine. The war in Ukraine also helps them push their agenda and while I think we should be helping support Ukraine from Russian invasion. It can be a slippery slope.
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I agree with this but I would say that it’s moreso MAGA on the wholes, effect in the political ecosystem. NeoCons like Joe Scarsboro and Nicolle Wallace, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, etc. etc. are now more tied to the the Democratic Party than the GOP and unfortunately they all seem to have outsized influence on the Democratic foreign policy as a whole. The foreign policy shift has been unsettling and while the Dems foreign policy is still much less interventionist than the NeoCons they still push for an agenda that doesn’t really gel with mine. The war in Ukraine also helps them push their agenda and while I think we should be helping support Ukraine from Russian invasion. It can be a slippery slope.
I think it's both in tandem. The rise of MAGA is a direct result of neolib policies, and its decent into extremism has left a void for those already conservative neolibs/old head republicans to seperate and fill the only other void (the dem party). One of the many fatal flaws of a two party system.
I have seen very little coverage of women’s basketball. I don’t really watch the news and I skip right past the sports section in the Washington Post and Apple News. I guess I live in a different country. 🤷‍♀️
Man, I am right with you. I don't know who this Caitlin person is, never heard of her, and still don't care. It's not pretentiousness at all. That said, I didn't have a TV between the years of 1998 and something like 2010. I've never had cable TV. I pirate media so I don't see ads. I'm not a hipster or anything, I don't look down on others about their consumption choices (much) but it's pretty rich to have someone else who does consume in other ways think I am faking my austerity.

Look, do you know who Misa Amane is, or maybe Fukase? If not does that mean you must be doing kids wrong? I likely have some popular knowledge that most might consider obscure by virtue of being involved in my children's interests but the truth is the overlaps only happen intentionally. I have to leave room for things that I want to care about and am not really overly interested in having undue outside pressures into what I should care about.

That said, this very take on life is exactly how we got Trump as president. Me and a few million of my generation weren't paying attention. We didn't feel represented and we didn't feel like we mattered or that our vote mattered. Trump caused enough pain that we're just now looking up and realizing our civic duty to defend our nation from fascism. So excuse us while we get up to speed on what apparently everyone else has been paying attention to for years and sorting out exactly how much energy we're even going to give that.
You couldn't have been on Twitter or Instagram over the last 18 months much either. Oh, and I bet you ignored the March Madness thread and peoples basketball status.
Correct. This site is my only social media outside of some occasional Reddit the majority of which is curated down to /r/funnyanimals or similar. I essentially read my watched threads from 3 years ago. I see statuses I don't know what they are and don't care. It's okay to not care. Look, we're GenX, it's our superpower.
Man, I am right with you. I don't know who this Caitlin person is, never heard of her, and still don't care. It's not pretentiousness at all. That said, I didn't have a TV between the years of 1998 and something like 2010. I've never had cable TV. I pirate media so I don't see ads. I'm not a hipster or anything, I don't look down on others about their consumption choices (much) but it's pretty rich to have someone else who does consume in other ways think I am faking my austerity.

Look, do you know who Misa Amane is, or maybe Fukase? If not does that mean you must be doing kids wrong? I likely have some popular knowledge that most might consider obscure by virtue of being involved in my children's interests but the truth is the overlaps only happen intentionally. I have to leave room for things that I want to care about and am not really overly interested in having undue outside pressures into what I should care about.

That said, this very take on life is exactly how we got Trump as president. Me and a few million of my generation weren't paying attention. We didn't feel represented and we didn't feel like we mattered or that our vote mattered. Trump caused enough pain that we're just now looking up and realizing our civic duty to defend our nation from fascism. So excuse us while we get up to speed on what apparently everyone else has been paying attention to for years and sorting out exactly how much energy we're even going to give that.
To each their own. I am sure there are a lot of people in the world that do not follow popular culture in any way, shape, or form (Bushmen living off the grid, the Amish, Bath Salt addicts, the comatose, etc…) the part where it strains credulity for me personally is how people could be so siloed into what pop culture things they choose to follow while completely filtering out the rest. Like if you follow popular music or watch movies or are super into professional wrestling or canoe building or whatever and you are plugged in to civilization enough to keep up on trends under those interests that you then choose to bypass everything else. Sticking with the basketball example. I think most folks likely can’t name the star player on the world championship Boston Celtics but they probably know who Larry Bird is, because Larry Bird transcended sports. Like I am not a Hockey fan or a Soccer fan or an F1 racing fan and I don’t go out of my way to necessarily learn about those particular things but I am still aware of the stars of the sport I know who McDavid, Messi, and Lewis Hamilton are. I have heard of them because the seep into other areas of interest I don’t even need to be curious just cognizant to take notice.
To each their own. I am sure there are a lot of people in the world that do not follow popular culture in any way, shape, or form (Bushmen living off the grid, the Amish, Bath Salt addicts, the comatose, etc…) the part where it strains credulity for me personally is how people could be so siloed into what pop culture things they choose to follow while completely filtering out the rest. Like if you follow popular music or watch movies or are super into professional wrestling or canoe building or whatever and you are plugged in to civilization enough to keep up on trends under those interests that you then choose to bypass everything else. Sticking with the basketball example. I think most folks likely can’t name the star player on the world championship Boston Celtics but they probably know who Larry Bird is, because Larry Bird transcended sports. Like I am not a Hockey fan or a Soccer fan or an F1 racing fan and I don’t go out of my way to necessarily learn about those particular things but I am still aware of the stars of the sport I know who McDavid, Messi, and Lewis Hamilton are. I have heard of them because the seep into other areas of interest I don’t even need to be curious just cognizant to take notice.
I never said I was completely oblivious to all sports just that I didn’t know who this one particular person was.

Trump supporters drive lack of high confidence in election process in six battleground states, CNN polling finds​

You don't say. I could have guessed that already.
This is the biggest problem Trump poses. He’s got folks thinking that Biden stole the victory from him like we are in Venezuela. The reality is that it is exactly what Trump wanted to do. It’s a cancer that has been allowed to spread because the GOP didn’t stand up to him. There never should have been an assassination attempt because he should have been executed for high treason.