Political Discussion

I remember the Attorneys General of some states going after some gas stations during the aftermath of 9/11 using the tragedy to gouge customers. I think this Government should being doing this way more often.

I don't know about that, sometimes price gouging is exactly what you need. Hear me out. People are panic buying toilet paper for no good reason and creating a supply chain issue. What if were to price it the regular sale price for 1 unit, but more expensive if you buy 2 or more units to discourage the "stock up" and buying more than you need.
Trump/Vance are promising that they will keep mandatory coverage for pre existing conditions with any healthcare plan of theirs.

However, this is something I have seen fact checked by many outlets and it's one of those needs more context things where the context is huge.

Unlike how Obama care handles pre existing condition coverage by putting all payers into a single risk group. Trump/Vance's plan would allow for the return of multiple risk groups. What this means is that people with pre existing condition would more than likely end up in their own risk group, resulting in much higher premiums for people who have pre existing conditions. Much more expensive to the point where getting the care they need may be prohibitory expensive and they are no better off than if they had no insurance.
I don't know about that, sometimes price gouging is exactly what you need. Hear me out. People are panic buying toilet paper for no good reason and creating a supply chain issue. What if were to price it the regular sale price for 1 unit, but more expensive if you buy 2 or more units to discourage the "stock up" and buying more than you need.
Or, hear me out, you could place a maximum amount customers can purchase.
Just read an opinion piece that says the timing of this port strike is very bad and if it's prolonged will pretty much ensure Trump wins reelection.

The port strike could throw our economy into chaos. Especially if it's prolonged. And Trump and the GOP are strongly capitalizing on the fact that Biden hasn't delivered on his post covid promises and that Biden/Harris can't manage effectively manage policy here in the United States, or abroad. The potential of the US going to war with Iran is very real thanks to Israel, and if that happens, that further erodes confidence in Biden/Harris.
Poll: Concerns about fraud, noncitizen voting before election

All things being equal, I wouldn’t worry about it. I do worry about the election officials doing some screwy things in states like Arizona and Georgia where election deniers have been taking over the boards. I also worry about that the Republicans have been telling us how they plan to commit fraud during the election, because we know they project a lot.
Just read an opinion piece that says the timing of this port strike is very bad and if it's prolonged will pretty much ensure Trump wins reelection.

The port strike could throw our economy into chaos. Especially if it's prolonged. And Trump and the GOP are strongly capitalizing on the fact that Biden hasn't delivered on his post covid promises and that Biden/Harris can't manage effectively manage policy here in the United States, or abroad. The potential of the US going to war with Iran is very real thanks to Israel, and if that happens, that further erodes confidence in Biden/Harris.
The port strike was known to be a possibility for a while and companies were supposedly ordering up to ensure they weren't left in the lurch if it drags on. Produce will be an issue since it's perishable and probably the first place we'll see rising prices and shortages. If the strike starts to hurt the economy, which I don't feel will be the case until well after the election, Biden could invoke Taft-Hartley to order an 80 day cooling-off period. He didn't invoke it for the autoworkers strike but this one could push him to act given how many industries it could affect. I doubt he will do that especially before the election and Democrats can't afford to alienate labor. Biden is leaning on the company to up their pay offer.

This is from a Reuters article:

The strike affects 36 ports - including New York, Baltimore and Houston - that handle a range of containerized goods.
Economists say the port closures will not initially raise consumer prices as companies accelerated shipments in recent months for key goods. However, a prolonged stoppage will eventually filter through, with food prices likely to react first, according to Morgan Stanley economists.

"After the first week, we can expect some impact on perishable products like bananas, other fruits, seafood, and coffee, meaning fewer goods are reaching consumers, potentially driving up prices," said Tony Pelli, global practice director for security & resilience at BSI Americas.

I think people prone to panic will freak out about this like morons buying up toilet paper at Costco, something that's made in America and not imported. I listen to Marketplace on NPR and they had a few segments about how manufacturing was just now clawing out of being so behind due to the pandemic so maybe we'll be okay for a bit.

The last thing Biden wants to do is have a war with Iran. He specifically told Israel to not attack the nuclear reactors in Iran. If Israel does that, I doubt we lift a finger other than to offer defensive support if Israel is attacked by missiles. We're not putting troops or planes in harm's way. Not for Bibi who will cross a red line of Biden's if he attacks Iran.
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In the north east, gas is shipped in to port in Boston. So gas prices are for sure on the rise here because of the strike and shortages are happening as people panic buy gas in some areas :rolleyes:.

But this fact alone, has my father and other conservatives I know all riled up and anti Biden about this strike.
The good news is that there is easily a few weeks of gas on reserve at port. It's not like we have no gas just because the port is on strike. At least not for awhile.

Though, with people panic buying and filling up every gas container they own they are causing shortages at some stations until they get their next truck load.
In the north east, gas is shipped in to port in Boston. So gas prices are for sure on the rise here because of the strike and shortages are happening as people panic buy gas in some areas :rolleyes:.

But this fact alone, has my father and other conservatives I know all riled up and anti Biden about this strike.
Maybe, but also, there are other US Ports and other ways that gasoline can be transported. I know it’s tough for the east coast to wrap theirs heads around but this is more of an inconvenience than an emergency.
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