Political Discussion

Refusing to certify an election is not legal​

State laws say that certification is a mandatory, ministerial duty, meaning that county election officials cannot refuse to sign the certification papers. It’s not an accident that certification is mandatory. It was codified into law in direct response to past partisan attempts to sabotage certification in order to change election outcomes — attempts which both lawmakers and the courts recognized as a threat to democracy.

What’s more, there are concrete tools in place to ensure that those who refuse to certify are held accountable, whether through civil or criminal consequences. In spite of these accountability measures, some local election officials have embraced conspiracy theories around recent elections and refused to certify results. In every such instance the election was ultimately certified, whether by court order requiring certification or administrators eventually opting to perform their legal duties.

I hear you, but there are states that have been working around the clock to change these laws. Certification of the electoral votes is a state driven process. There isn’t a federal mandate on how it is done.
I mean it's West Virginia, a state no one really cares about. There is a team of lawyers working to fight GOP election challenges and they're doing a pretty good job of winning most of them. Georgia and Arizona are the two to most worry about but if she can win PA and Nevada, those two do not matter at all as she would have 276. Those two would just add to her total.
I hear you, but there are states that have been working around the clock to change these laws. Certification of the electoral votes is a state driven process. There isn’t a federal mandate on how it is done.
Absolutely. And I am confident that there will be multiple red states that refuse to certify. It's not like the gop plays by the rules. I have no doubt that the court will be involved and that is terrifying.

Anyone here a CNN subscriber? Why on earth would they have a election related article behind a paywall
I was able to get it to load in safari using reader view (Here is the first section - can't post more than 1000 characters

Georgia group that pushes election misinformation gains influence with election officials​

CNN — normal
New rules in Georgia that some officials fear could inject chaos into November’s election have links to a controversial group that has gained outsized influence in the Peach State.

VoterGA, a nonprofit led by a computer consultant-turned-activist named Garland Favorito who has a long history of promoting debunked conspiracy theories, has made inroads with some election officials in Georgia despite his penchant for pushing election misinformation.

The new rules, proposed by followers of VoterGA and passed by the state’s Republican-held election board, include a requirement that counties hand-count ballots cast at polling places on Election Day. They also include a policy that gives partisan county election boards more leeway to delay certifying election results.

Both those rules have been challenged in court, but with less than a month to go before the election, they’ve added potential confusion into the mechanics of how votes are counted in a key battleground state.

Aside from lobbying for the passage of the rules, Favorito and his organization have relentlessly engaged in activities in recent months to try to prevent the widespread fraud they falsely believe occurred in the 2020 election. They have hosted poll-watcher trainings, messaged officials with dubious warnings about alleged election insecurities and railed against voting machines during meetings with the state board of election. The group also received a financial boost from an organization co-founded by former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.

The rise of Favorito and his group illustrates the way elections conspiracy theories have moved from fringe to mainstream in Georgia over the last four years, some officials say.

“For many years he was sort of a gadfly that nobody paid attention to, and now he’s the center of attention,” Gabriel Sterling, the chief operating officer for Georgia’s secretary of state, said of Favorito. “People are listening to him… but it’s all about the underlying conspiracy theories that we have proven over and over and over again aren’t real.”
JFC Rolling Stone reports that meteorologists are getting death threats. Being told to stop controlling or lying about the government controlling the weather. Wtaf?
The books that will be written about how badly people were manipulated by social media will mirror books about the power of cults in the 60s-80s. It's insane how much a break from reality people have now that they can digest endless conspiracy theories that are fed to them repeatedly. These same adults will decry social media's influence on kids, all the while not caring that they are even more manipulated than kids. At least kids are mostly watching dumb stuff all day.
I fluctuate between feeling super positive and fearing that the fuckstick is going to win. I haven't yet given up on twitter but realize how bad it has gotten and is a huge part of the reason for my lack of confidence.

WV is laying groundwork for not certifying results, if they believe there is any fraud in ANY state. WTF is that bs??? Harris isn't going to win WV, but this is a horrifying precedent.

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So what exactly would they do, just run around saying “X isn’t our President”? Then what continue to be part of the union, receive tax dollars, benefits, etc etc? If a candidate gets the 270 votes, what does one state’s opinion matter??

Wish these states would just fuck off and secede and spare rest of us their stupid.
I keep getting this ad on Samsung tv that is straight up an attack on trans people endorsed by Trump. I’ve never been more angry by an ad before in my life. The blatant othering of such a vulnerable community is beyond diabolical. Fuck Trump and fuck those monsters

Here’s an article on it

I honestly don’t know if it’s the same ad, but here is Jonathan Van Ness’s reaction to the one that featured him:
I keep getting this ad on Samsung tv that is straight up an attack on trans people endorsed by Trump. I’ve never been more angry by an ad before in my life. The blatant othering of such a vulnerable community is beyond diabolical. Fuck Trump and fuck those monsters

Here’s an article on it

I laughed at how absurd it was. I get maybe a Midwestern grandmother might clutch her pearls at something like this but this change the hearts and minds of voters. Of all the things that effect people on a daily basis Transphobia has gotta be a bit lower on the totem pole, right?

Pretty much every Kamala ad I have seen (and there are many and they come in all shapes and sizes) talk about making life better for people or about how Trump only cares about himself. These seem like they would be much more effective.

But what do I know, according to that NYT article, the transphobia worked on Charlemagne The God.
Kids are awesome…

3 yo is hella sick. Taking to doc in morning. Has gone three years without ever throwing up, did it twice today. After the second time and me being covered in it along with her - we ended up in the shower.

She points at my nether regions and goes, “daddy has bubbles.” So that’s my word for testicles now.
Sir, this is a Wend…er…Politics thread.