It was all about not being Trump.
If we didn't live in a country of voters who are so racist/brainwashed/cultish/selfish who care more about blaming they/them/this race/that religion for their station in life than what they have actually worked for and earned, it wouldn't be about Trump.
Of course they're gonna get behind the narcissistic, loud talking, snake oil selling, con man who is an economical genius who's file corporate and personal bankruptcy 12 times, who's been sued 3500 times, who's on record slagging veterans, women and minorities. He hasn't worked for or earned anything in his life. The other guy is the reason you aren't killing it. The traditional Republican message.
She smoked him in the only debate he'd agree to, even though he had 'the concepts of a plan'.
Every ad I saw from Kamala was about inclusion. Every ad I saw from Trump was they/them vs you.
If this were a decent country, not being Trump would be plenty to earn a winning vote.
No candidate is perfect. Nitpicking a candidate over a singular view/policy/demographic in favor of an unpredictable loose cannon is following the irresponsible path.
I'm not afraid for myself. I'm terrified of what this nut job could stack and enact that affects my children and grandchildren.
My daughter is 36 and pregnant - a high-risk pregnancy.
Her life could be decided by a supreme court stacked by the worst president in history.