Political Discussion

I'm not at all surprised to read this. My wife's first job after she got her PharmD was at a Walgreen's. No only did she struggle with dealing with the rude customers, but there were so many days there was just no time for lunch, and barely time for a bathroom break. The workload was too big and leaving the floor while they were busy was deemed unacceptable, but they were always busy.

Wondering if @Sonicpharmacist has had similar experiences.

For the last couple of years I've used the CVS pharmacy inside my local Target store. The last time I needed to pick up my (auto-refill) prescription, I had to make a total of SIX trips because the first five times they were unexpectedly closed due to staffing shortages. Frustrating.
And just as a fun addendum, CVS Health just fired 5000 people last month. I’m not a retail worker but I’m about to start being expected to do the work of two analysts. IMHO this was a knee jerk reaction to stock prices and not a long term viability of business decision.

As the Electronic Frontier Foundation has noted, in some cases “patents . . . have become a tool
for intimidation and expensive litigation, chilling the very innovation the patent system was sup-
posed to encourage.”8 That is the reality that LG is facing now. Excessive per-unit royalty rates
resulting from litigation, and the threat (known and unknown) presented by patent holders that
have not made commitments to license under RAND conditions, have a chilling effect on the de-
ployment of advanced technologies by LG. In addition, patent litigation costs are very high, even
when litigation is settled or otherwise resolved prior to trial. Moreover, consumers are adversely
impacted by the results of reduced investment and slower deployment of technologies. This is a
most unwelcome circumstance.

This challenging and uncertain patent landscape has forced LG to make the difficult decision to
suspend the inclusion of ATSC 3.0-compatibility in its 2024 television lineup for the United
This decision was not made lightly, because LG has been a vocal ATSC 3.0 advocate, a
strong supporter of local broadcasters, and a leading developer of television products with the lat-
est NEXTGEN TV technologies. Going forward, LG will, of course, continue to monitor the pa-
tent landscape and its effect on LG’s own product roadmap and overall industry dynamics.

Basically, the updated digital broadcast format that's roll out has been plagued with tv manufactures not supporting because they haven't been mandated just took another big hit. One of the brands that was supporting it no longer plans too. Most broadcast stations are not rolling out the new ATSC format because there aren't enough people with compatible TV's to justify upgrading.

Also, I think this is also a good example how our current patent system is broken.
Let me get this straight, The guy that was regurgitating that the COVID vaccine was implanting chips in your brain, WANTS TO IMPLANT A CHIP IN YOUR BRAIN?! I understand what it's being touted as, but come on.........
I'm not at all surprised to read this. My wife's first job after she got her PharmD was at a Walgreen's. No only did she struggle with dealing with the rude customers, but there were so many days there was just no time for lunch, and barely time for a bathroom break. The workload was too big and leaving the floor while they were busy was deemed unacceptable, but they were always busy.

Wondering if @Sonicpharmacist has had similar experiences.
I’m fortunate that I work in hospital with inpatients….no rude customers to deal with. Rude nurses, yeah, but no customers. I am so grateful for retail pharmacists, it’s a job I could not do.
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McCarthy is perceived as having the vision of a mole, the courage of a squirrel and the dignity of a dunk-tank clown. But that’s only what Republicans think of him. The feeling is not reserved to those who wish to destroy him, but held by those sustaining him.


SCOTUS rejects Alabama's bid to avoid a second Black majority district

Now that I have started off with some good news. Less discuss the impending government shutdown. De we expect there to be a shutdown or that they will come together at the 11th hour just to extend things as is for another month?

Right now it is feeling more likely that usual that a shutdown may happen.
100%. McCarthy cares too much about his title to stop the shutdown. I assume he is hoping someone (Dems or moderate Reps) will step in and save him, but I don’t think it will matter. Guess we’ll see what if any progress they make on the individual bill votes today.

Wonder how much the NRA will fight this and if it will end up in front of the SCOTUS eventually.
isn't the precedent already set with cigarette taxes though?
Add CVS and Target to the list of stores citing retail theft for poor earnings in their latest quarterly report. Both CVS and Target have also announced store closures, mostly in the San Francisco and Seattle area due to the stores in these locations not being profitable due to high theft.

Meanwhile, Costco said retail theft not an issue for us, but rather blamed wage inflation.
The second GOP debate was last night.

And one of the things I have seen summarized was the lack of any talk about abortion. Both the candidates and the moderators completely avoided it and never brought it up like now that they have gotten their victory abortion has been swept under the rug and it's best not to talk a bout it.
It’s funny to me that the people that support the actual treacherous traitor keep pulling that card on the current administration.