Political Discussion

The comment section on Instagram is a dumpster fire right now.

Viral video of cat or any viral video and the comment section is comment after comment about what's going on in Israel. And each comment has threads of replies.

One common them is there is a lot of hatred towards the United States and Israel.

There is also a lot of people trying to "educate" us in the United States on what's going on. And that Israel is the issue. Israel should not exist. Part of Palestine's land was taken to create a Jewish state, and that has had significant economic effects for Palestine and its people. Humas is fighting to get their land back, their country back that Israel stole. And that Humas is just freedom fighters, Israel is evil and conducting genocide.
The comment section on Instagram is a dumpster fire right now.

Viral video of cat or any viral video and the comment section is comment after comment about what's going on in Israel. And each comment has threads of replies.

One common them is there is a lot of hatred towards the United States and Israel.

There is also a lot of people trying to "educate" us in the United States on what's going on. And that Israel is the issue. Israel should not exist. Part of Palestine's land was taken to create a Jewish state, and that has had significant economic effects for Palestine and its people. Humas is fighting to get their land back, their country back that Israel stole. And that Humas is just freedom fighters, Israel is evil and conducting genocide.

The foundation of Israel was messy. There was a lot of different factors at play given the time and the geographical place. It was, at the time, Palestine, Palestinian people were displaced and promised a right to return that has never been honoured. Several occupations and displacements have also had a right to return that has also not been honoured. It’s part of why Palestinians will not leave bombarded areas under threat of death now. We need a two state solution and Isreal has to realise this.

But Palestinians have not helped themselves. They’ve had at various stages real chances of peace and not adapted them and Hamas are terrorists, their actions go beyond what is acceptable as freedom fighters.

It’s not cut and dried. No one is right and there is wrong on both sides. America’s unconditional support of Isreal doesn’t help the situation.

I don’t think anyone on here or randomly on instagram has the depth of knowledge and intelligence to really stand in judgement or to declare a good or bad side here.
I mean in comparison to pedophile lizard people perverting America from the basements of pizza parlours it’s at least conceivable.
But " we found out about the pedophike lizard people but mainstream media won't report on it " is more consistent than " biden is officially reinstating thd draft ( see this video) but the mainstream media are keeping it secret"
Just heard a story yet another story that shows how broken / messed up our healthcare system is.

Someone had an accident yesterday, and the ER doctors want to conduct an MRI. But they couldn't yesterday because their MRI machine was down so they referred the patient to another location in network to get it done. Only to find out, they can't do it today, because his insurance requires prior authorization which takes 2 to 3 days. Even in an urgent situation like this.

The only way to get it done now is by paying out-of-pocket and not getting the negotiated insurance rate or having it count towards their deductible.

Update on this guys story and it gets even crazier. He would have been better off waiting for the prior authorization.

3 times he was called and informed that they have not received prior authorization yet and would have to cancel the appointment. He informed them that he would be self pay and not using his insurance. He has a HDCP plan it would have to pay for the MRI anyways. The first 2 phone calls were followed by a text message stating that his appointment had automatically been canceled.

When he called back he was informed that his original appointment was no longer available and they would have to reschedule. After the third call and not receiving a later text that his appointment had been automatically canceled he thought he was all set. But nope. Just as they were wapping up the scan a hospital administrator came barging in yelling for them to hold up. They don't have prior authorization. Well, the scan had just been completed, and the admin said they would have to throw the results away because they didn't have prior authorization. Again, this guy stated that he's self pay and not using his insurance. He was then told that's now how it was coded in the system and that it's too late to change it. That they need to throw the results away and would have to schedule another appointment as self pay.

Why on earth would they need to throw the results away? Is there further processing / development that needs to be done that that would have incorrect billing information that they can't correct? And why can't they just correct it?

Also, why is it so hard to get an appointment as self pay?
Update on this guys story and it gets even crazier. He would have been better off waiting for the prior authorization.

3 times he was called and informed that they have not received prior authorization yet and would have to cancel the appointment. He informed them that he would be self pay and not using his insurance. He has a HDCP plan it would have to pay for the MRI anyways. The first 2 phone calls were followed by a text message stating that his appointment had automatically been canceled.

When he called back he was informed that his original appointment was no longer available and they would have to reschedule. After the third call and not receiving a later text that his appointment had been automatically canceled he thought he was all set. But nope. Just as they were wapping up the scan a hospital administrator came barging in yelling for them to hold up. They don't have prior authorization. Well, the scan had just been completed, and the admin said they would have to throw the results away because they didn't have prior authorization. Again, this guy stated that he's self pay and not using his insurance. He was then told that's now how it was coded in the system and that it's too late to change it. That they need to throw the results away and would have to schedule another appointment as self pay.

Why on earth would they need to throw the results away? Is there further processing / development that needs to be done that that would have incorrect billing information that they can't correct? And why can't they just correct it?

Also, why is it so hard to get an appointment as self pay?
Our whole world is bull shit.
I see the Republicans are getting closer to electing a Speaker of The House.

Donald Trump has fucked up that party beyond repair. Say what you want about the democrats being the party of costal elites, but the Republicans are just a party of stupid dipshits who have no interest in governing. We are so fucked.

It's... astonishing.

And really isn't as funny as it is on the surface, because lives and livelihoods are at stake. It's well and truly beyond comprehension just how untethered from reality these idiots are - and how detrimental that can be to the actual people of America. I'm so sorry y'all have to endure this.