Political Discussion

View attachment 184762

Never got a political text like this before. Usually just same old same old "hi my name is" and "vote for me".

Rent control is a touchy subject in MA.

It was repealed in MA back in 1994 because rent control was thought to "stifle development". It was apparent that we were starting to face a housing crisis. Not just for "low income" housing, but also the working class. There was not a lot of apartments being built for housing, and this was causing an issue where companies were pulling out of Boston and new ones didn't want to move in. Because housing would be an issue for employees.

Landlords and developers all said that rent control was the issue. That building apartments was not profitable.

The 30 years since rent control was repealed housing has only gotten worse. There is still very much a lack of housing available, and the type of housing built has entirely shifted to ultra luxury requiring a salary of $100,000 or more to afford. Every single attempt to build low income housing, senior housing or working class housing has failed in Salem and the same is true in much of the state.

No rent control, along with state law that requires a supermajority vote to approve zoning, the vocal few have successfully been able to block any attempt at affordable housing. Whether it's about concerns about drugs and crimes, or the impact on their property value.

All attempts to change this law or reintroduce rent control has failed in the state house of representatives, because they also need a supermajority to pass.
My favorite argument is that had rent control continued, housing would be worse than it is currently. No one likes to admit that price controls in the 1930’s helped us get out of the Great Depression or that the people on the lower end of the income spectrum are people too—not degenerate drug monsters.
You may be misjudging the dumbness of today's Republican party. I don't really know how they'll get anyone in there at this point to be honest. Republican party seemingly can't govern.
Saw they might consider trying to expand McHenry’s (temp speakers) authority so they can continue dealing with house business. Doubt it will work.

At this point the “moderates” should just work to make agreements with the Dems, elect Jeffries and get back to business.
Saw they might consider trying to expand McHenry’s (temp speakers) authority so they can continue dealing with house business. Doubt it will work.

At this point the “moderates” should just work to make agreements with the Dems, elect Jeffries and get back to business.

I feel like a vote for Trump for Speaker is more likely than working the other side of the aisle.
Are they going to keep nominating this jackass and it go 15 rounds like McCarthy did because it is obvious the moderates of the Republican party want no part of Jordan.

Guess Jim Jordan is digging in and says he's going to keep trying until the vote passes. Could that be ever?
Another rat jumps ship.

Woah. That's one of the larger rats too!
Another rat jumps ship.

I've learned not to get my hopes up, lest I be disappointed, but it's really hard NOT to get my hopes up a bit with this development...
Just heard a story yet another story that shows how broken / messed up our healthcare system is.

Someone had an accident yesterday, and the ER doctors want to conduct an MRI. But they couldn't yesterday because their MRI machine was down so they referred the patient to another location in network to get it done. Only to find out, they can't do it today, because his insurance requires prior authorization which takes 2 to 3 days. Even in an urgent situation like this.

The only way to get it done now is by paying out-of-pocket and not getting the negotiated insurance rate or having it count towards their deductible.