Political Discussion

I honestly started to wonder if they had her do that to make Biden's faux pas seem more normal. Conspiracy nonsense, but would also not put it passed thm
It’s wierd to me. Like Biden’s mix ups are so similar to Reagan’s, he misspeaks A LOT but they come off like typos . I usually know what he is saying like even the other day when he was trying to appear sharp after the independent council said he was a confused old man and he meant the president of Egypt but instead inexplicably said the president of Mexico instead for some reason. It’s like when my my mom would yell at me and call me by my brothers name by mistake, she doesn’t do that because she a stupid fucking idiot she just misspoke and that’s usually the kind of mistakes Biden is often making. It does him no favors and makes it easy to paint him as slow and incompetent but when the mistake s are cleaned up it at least makes sense

Kamala is just not very good at off-the -cuff public speaking. She can read a teleprompter alright but when the press asks her a question that she’s unprepared for she just kinda stammers around, which is a bit surprising for a former Attorney General you would assume that reacting to better in those sort of situations.

Love or hate Obama’s presidency but we were truly spoiled by his rhetorical gifts. Obama being sandwiched between 8 years of W. and 12(!) years combined between Trump and Biden only highlights his exceptional talents.

Well, at least we now have a reason to be excited about November.

Well, at least we now have a reason to be excited about November.
I can assure the replacement isn't much better, probably worse.

Well, at least we now have a reason to be excited about November.
He's stepping down from leader, but is not vacating his seat.
Yea, the "keep acting like everything's fine" strategy seems to be the way. Was a good run, guys.

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I am glad they did this protest vote I think will have an impact on policy but As things stand currently, I would still be surprised if Biden lost the election overall (and Michigan in particular). He is not running in a vacuum. “Lesser of two evils” votes will still likely favor Biden. It’s easy to be pessimistic given how underwhelming the candidates are but I still think the is a huge swath of voters will hold their noses and vote for Biden. Most voters DGAF about any of this until after the Party Conventions (if not later) so obviously things could change for both candidates moving forward but for context there were about 5.5 million voters in the 2020 general election with only about 10,000 votes separating those two candidates and the primary yesterday there were only 1.8 million (1.1 M voting in GOP primary/700K in Dem primary) votes cast. meaning most people don’t really care at this point. It’s something to watch but I don’t think the “not committed” vote portends much of anything for the general election as things currently stand. Especially if some sort of sustainable cease fire agreement is reached relatively soon most voters will move on to other issue by the time November rolls around.

Lol the Democrats are so cooked.

I don’t buy the ‘undecided voter’ argument. People don’t like Biden’s age, I‘m one of them. But there is no way in hell I would ever consider voting for Trump over Biden or any other Democrat at this point. Not voting is as good as a vote for Trump. I believe the American people will show up and do the right thing (I need to believe this to sleep at night).
I don’t buy the ‘undecided voter’ argument. People don’t like Biden’s age, I‘m one of them. But there is no way in hell I would ever consider voting for Trump over Biden or any other Democrat at this point. Not voting is as good as a vote for Trump. I believe the American people will show up and do the right thing (I need to believe this to sleep at night).
Uncommitted is not the same as undecided. It's an all of these suck, and I'm going to say as much vote. It's a primary statement. Biden has plenty of time to put forward better policy and more effort to keep the state. We'll see if he does.
I don’t buy the ‘undecided voter’ argument. People don’t like Biden’s age, I‘m one of them. But there is no way in hell I would ever consider voting for Trump over Biden or any other Democrat at this point. Not voting is as good as a vote for Trump. I believe the American people will show up and do the right thing (I need to believe this to sleep at night).
That's fine; that's not the point of their uncommitted votes. It was to tell Biden that if he continues to support a genocide, he shouldn't count on his support. They're not saying they're going to vote for Trump. The ball is entirely in his and the party's court to change their policy.

They lost the "right thing" or "lesser of two evils" argument several months ago.
Uncommitted is not the same as undecided. It's an all of these suck, and I'm going to say as much vote. It's a primary statement. Biden has plenty of time to put forward better policy and more effort to keep the state. We'll see if he does.
Exactly. This is a protest vote and I am sure Biden’s campaign heard their concern. Michigan was won by only 10,000 votes in 2020. It’s too close not to pay attention. Also, most who turned out for a primary to vote Uncommitted are well informed and highly political. Most will turn out to vote in November and unless there is another viable candidate most will unenthusiastically vote for Biden.
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That's fine; that's not the point of their uncommitted votes. It was to tell Biden that if he continues to support a genocide, he shouldn't count on his support. They're not saying they're going to vote for Trump. The ball is entirely in his and the party's court to change their policy.

They lost the "right thing" or "lesser of two evils" argument several months ago.
I understand the uncommitted vote and support the message being sent. I also think those who care that much about the Palestine -Israel situation know if Trump was President the situation would be infinitely worse.

I guess I was just conflating the 2 things after hearing a story about how critical undecided voters are.