Political Discussion

Of course she's not. She's a black, liberal woman. That's scary than an feeble old liberal man. You think Biden is a galvanizing figure for MAGA, imagine Kamala.
She's also a cop with negative charisma and the same antiquated policies as Joe. She's barely shown her face the last 4 years let alone worked to change that. I forget she exists.
She's also a cop with negative charisma and the same antiquated policies as Joe. She's barely shown her face the last 4 years let alone worked to change that. I forget she exists.
Yep as to the cop thing, there's a lot of on the ground opposition to her in her home state over her prosecutorial record, and the last time she ran for president, she didn't even make it to a primary.

Is she capable of being president? Yes, and I think she would be fine. Do I think she's capable of running a good campaign for president? I have very strong doubts and I don't want to test the validity of those doubts.
How do democrats not know what to do? (I mean I know the answer and get it). Why the fuck isn’t there a contingency? Also fuck all the democrats that should have contested the candidacy and didn’t.
TBH, he had me fooled until tonight. I mean he was too old but he never seem completely overwhelmed, tonight couldn’t have gone worse.
I’m surprised so many of y’all watched the debate, or whatever it was. Not sure how you mustered the strength.

I couldn't watch it but I did listen to the first half while making supper. Would've kept listening but my speaker died just as my wife was walking in the door, which was probably for the best because she would've probably rather listened to Sun Ra!
Of course she's not. She's a black, liberal woman. That's scary than an feeble old liberal man. You think Biden is a galvanizing figure for MAGA, imagine Kamala.
There are a lot of awesome Black liberal women in politics, but Harris is only three of those four things.
Glad someone said this at least.

"the hacks running the debate were no more interested in substance or the fate of the country or the earth than Trump. They were putting on a show, and they were putting it on as though we still lived in a world that no longer exists. By so doing they further endangered the world in which we do exist."
Generally I think you're right, but in talking with younger students there are a lot who are so disconnected from politics and weren't old enough a few years ago to care so they don't realize how dumb as a bag of dicks Trump is. Now I have no reason to believe that they'll watch the debate, but my hope is that some of the reactionary element who are more ignorant than dumb may see the massive difference between these two side by side and it might pull a fraction of a fraction.

That said, how awesome would it be if the building collapsed on them?
Really disappointing that the building didn't collapse.
You know one of the minor things that really pisses me off is Biden's comment that he didn't have sex with a porn star. Like that's the immoral thing? It's that Trump cheated on his wife while she was giving birth to his son. Who gives a shit what the woman he slept with does for a living? Shaming her career isn't the damn point, but Biden's too stupid to get that there's a huge difference.