Political Discussion

You know one of the minor things that really pisses me off is Biden's comment that he didn't have sex with a porn star. Like that's the immoral thing? It's that Trump cheated on his wife while she was giving birth to his son. Who gives a shit what the woman he slept with does for a living? Shaming her career isn't the damn point, but Biden's too stupid to get that there's a huge difference.
I mean the dems can’t really play that card because of Clinton.
You know one of the minor things that really pisses me off is Biden's comment that he didn't have sex with a porn star. Like that's the immoral thing? It's that Trump cheated on his wife while she was giving birth to his son. Who gives a shit what the woman he slept with does for a living? Shaming her career isn't the damn point, but Biden's too stupid to get that there's a huge difference.
Not to parse and your point is valid but the more alarming aspect is that Biden who had supposedly been prepping for this debate now for a couple of weeks was so inarticulate that what came out was something about having sex with porn stars when they had likely worked on a prepared attack where Biden was supposed to attack Trump’s morality in a way more critical way and articulate way than that.
What's the mechanism for changing the candidate? Joe drops out and there's a "contested" convention?
Really, he would need to drop out or die. I don’t foresee either of those things likely happening. The best hope we have at this point is the election is 5 months away and there is the Convention and (maybe) another debate. The Biden campaign no longer has the luxury of wrapping Joe in bubble wrap while claiming that he is still sharp and up for the task. Instead of trying to convince the country that Trump is a threat to democracy and that Biden can continue to make the economy work for your average American, he will now have to spend a lot more time convincing people he shouldn’t be in an assisted living facility.
Really, he would need to drop out or die. I don’t foresee either of those things likely happening. The best hope we have at this point is the election is 5 months away and there is the Convention and (maybe) another debate. The Biden campaign no longer has the luxury of wrapping Joe in bubble wrap while claiming that he is still sharp and up for the task. Instead of trying to convince the country that Trump is a threat to democracy and that Biden can continue to make the economy work for your average American, he will now have to spend a lot more time convincing people he shouldn’t be in an assisted living facility.

The pressure for him to drop out will be as big as it gets, I think. I guess it will depend on what the polls look like in a few days, but I don't expect it to be good for him.
The pressure for him to drop out will be as big as it gets, I think. I guess it will depend on what the polls look like in a few days, but I don't expect it to be good for him.
I genuinely think the polls won’t change too much like My thought has always been that Trump has a high floor/ low ceiling candidate and I don think there is enough leeway left for the Biden campaign to see a Trump polling lead that is insurmountable.

I would vote for Joe Biden’s rotting corpse over Trump and that is likely where most Biden voters are as well.
The pressure for him to drop out will be as big as it gets, I think. I guess it will depend on what the polls look like in a few days, but I don't expect it to be good for him.

The issue is Joe Biden is a proud guy. I don't think he will drop out, he will stick to it because he's to proud to give up.

But if he's going to drop out, he needs to do it now. The sooner the better when it comes to finding an alternative candidate within the party.
Biden looked like he might keel over on the debate stage last night. Him deriding porn stars was something I’d be bothered by if this was a normal debate between candidates that were 20 years younger.
Yeah, like I said it was a minor issue in the grand scheme, still just something that bugged me.
The issue is Joe Biden is a proud guy. I don't think he will drop out, he will stick to it because he's to proud to give up.

But if he's going to drop out, he needs to do it now. The sooner the better when it comes to finding an alternative candidate within the party.
Like Trump he'd rather destroy the country than admit he's not the best candidate.
The conservatives want a return to 1950s America because it looks so idyllic in movies but to the best of my knowledge didn’t actually exist.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Just spend some time around here.
I jokingly told my wife we should get divorced now, just in case. She didn't find it as funny as I did tho.