Political Discussion

And this is why this election matters so much. We need to flip this court back or we are beyond fucked
The striking down of the 40 year Chevron Deference decision means that Judges, will now determine how to implement laws instead of specialists and scientists from FDA, USDA, and EPA moving forward.

We are fucked.
More exciting news...

This is ridiculous just like the recent Louisiana 10 Commandments decision. In normal times this would have been laughed out of Courts on 1A but at this point who the fuck even knows. I am glad I live in a very blue state.
More exciting news...

This is where some enterprising lawyers need to sue to make sure Muslim, Hindu, and Native people's religions are also being taught in Oklahoma schools. That's the fastest way to get this order rescinded.
This is where some enterprising lawyers need to sue to make sure Muslim, Hindu, and Native people's religions are also being taught in Oklahoma schools. That's the fastest way to get this order rescinded.
They are trying to backdoor it by suggesting that it needs to be taught for historical reasons based on the history of the US.

You know, it’s the same subject that the GOP wants to ban the teaching Slavery and Segregation in.
They are trying to backdoor it by suggesting that it needs to be tough for historical reasons based on the history of the US.

You know, it’s the same subject that want to avoid addressing Slavery and Segregation in?
The entire point was people came here so they could worship how they chose without governmental influence or retribution. If you're going to get so simultaneously dogmatic and inaccurate about it you may as well mandate big buckles on hats.
This is where some enterprising lawyers need to sue to make sure Muslim, Hindu, and Native people's religions are also being taught in Oklahoma schools. That's the fastest way to get this order rescinded.

I’m ok with teaching the Bible as a historical document, and teaching about the basics of what the religion believes. There was a whole unit in my 7th grade history class on the basics of the Muslim faith and I remember finding that fascinating. Religion is so intertwined with all facets of history that everyone should have a baseline knowledge of what each one believes and how those beliefs have shaped the world.

Obviously that is not what the right is doing here but I thought it was worth mentioning
I’m ok with teaching the Bible as a historical document, and teaching about the basics of what the religion believes. There was a whole unit in my 7th grade history class on the basics of the Muslim faith and I remember finding that fascinating. Religion is so intertwined with all facets of history that everyone should have a baseline knowledge of what each one believes and how those beliefs have shaped the world.

Obviously that is not what the right is doing here but I thought it was worth mentioning
Agreed but here It’s the “Mandatory” portion that violates the 1st amendment especially when the mandate is specific to the Bible.
This is where some enterprising lawyers need to sue to make sure Muslim, Hindu, and Native people's religions are also being taught in Oklahoma schools. That's the fastest way to get this order rescinded.

Nah, they will just be told "they can look away" like they were about the 10 commandments.
We've got (at least) two members of the Supreme Court who have expressed support for the January 6th insurrectionists, and they are ruling on cases affecting the prosecution of insurrectionists. This is fucked beyond belief.

Thought they already ruled on that this morning:


Yup, we are fucked.
I don’t want to read any of these decisions, can someone summarize for me how the Jan 6 rioters weren’t guilty of Obstruction?

Pretty much that the obstruction law wasn't intended to be used in a situation like this, thus they should have never been charged with obstruction. The SCOTUS narrowed / defined what qualifies as Obstruction.