Political Discussion

You might need to take a moment for self reflection when your biggest and most important supporters think it would be better if you died.
Actually, regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins (I still assume rationality in a slight majority, so Biden) real change will only come if Democrats control the Senate and House.
Dems did control The House and Senate just a couple years ago. Along with Biden’s election in 2020 The Dems held control of the House and eked out control of the Senate. They could only pass a small portion of their agenda. Not much real change occurred unfortunately.

Heck, in 2008 Obama had The House AND a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and the Dems still couldn’t get a single payer or public option passed, they barely passed Obamacare and then got their ass kicked in the 2010 midterms.. Sadly, there isn’t much appetite for elected officials in the Democratic Party to enact bold changes.
That position only comes after the Speaker of the House. Remember the West Wing episode where Bartlett has to step down and the VP post was vacant. The Republican Speaker of the House was sworn in and then relinquished the position when Bartlett was able to return.

You are correct. My assumption in this scenario is that no one votes for ANY official and since the House rotates every two years, all current members would have expired terms, therefore no members to elect a Speaker, and no persons in the chain except the pro tempore. Though in said scenario I assume Dems would effectively lose the Senate and probably the current appointee…
If Trump is dispatched this fall, I wonder how long it will take for the Republican Party to dig out from the huge grave they dug for themselves
But I don't see this happen. If Biden is not stepping down Trump will win. And we saw lat time what happened if he does not win. Then he claims the election was stolen and keeps his grip on the party. Once he's dead it will be an interesting battle for Maga where everybody claims to be hid true heir. But I do not see much of the republican party left that it is interested in democracy.

Watch them try to blame the loss on Bernie now like all the idiot Dems did when Hillary lost.

Watch them try to blame the loss on Bernie now like all the idiot Dems did when Hillary lost.

Anybody's fault but their own.
But I don't see this happen. If Biden is not stepping down Trump will win. And we saw lat time what happened if he does not win. Then he claims the election was stolen and keeps his grip on the party. Once he's dead it will be an interesting battle for Maga where everybody claims to be hid true heir. But I do not see much of the republican party left that it is interested in democracy.
Joe will step down. It just can't be instantaneous, there is a need to organize a logical plan.

Joe won't make it to a second debate. The Democratic party can't let that happen.

Joe will get new polling data next week, and it will show him dropping at least 5 points after the debate.

He will also get polling data that assesses a range of potential replacements. Bearing in mind that none of those potential replacements are actual candidates yet (so the polling will largely reflect name awareness), I would expect it will show any of Kamala, Gretchen, Gavin would be stronger than Joe.

Joe's immediate problem is that he has no upside potential to grow votes. Not any more. But put Kamala, Gretchen or Gavin out front of the Democratic ticket and the vote will start to shift. Them put any of them beside Trump in a debate and that lowlife scammer gets humiliated.

Essentially, for the first time ever for this teacher, when she asked 16 and 17 year olds if the voting age were changed to 16 years old, would they vote in the election, and all the students said no.

This teacher has never had that happen before. Sign of the time, the state of our country and the candidates we have to offer I would say.
Joe will step down. It just can't be instantaneous, there is a need to organize a logical plan.

Joe won't make it to a second debate. The Democratic party can't let that happen.

Joe will get new polling data next week, and it will show him dropping at least 5 points after the debate.

He will also get polling data that assesses a range of potential replacements. Bearing in mind that none of those potential replacements are actual candidates yet (so the polling will largely reflect name awareness), I would expect it will show any of Kamala, Gretchen, Gavin would be stronger than Joe.

Joe's immediate problem is that he has no upside potential to grow votes. Not any more. But put Kamala, Gretchen or Gavin out front of the Democratic ticket and the vote will start to shift. Them put any of them beside Trump in a debate and that lowlife scammer gets humiliated.
Currently Kamala has a lower approval rating than Biden. She would get crushed in the general election.

Even a 5 point dip in the polls would still leave Biden within single digits of Trump. Obama was down 12 points to Romney closer to election than than this.

I am not saying he won’t step down but something else would need to happen between now and the convention for that to happen.
Currently Kamala has a lower approval rating than Biden. She would get crushed in the general election.

Even a 5 point dip in the polls would still leave Biden within single digits of Trump. Obama was down 12 points to Romney closer to election than than this.

I am not saying he won’t step down but something else would need to happen between now and the convention for that to happen.
As part of the world holding their breath, there is no doubt in my mind that Biden is a good person and has been a good president, particularly considering the damage little hands did.

If Trump had won re-election, Ukraine would be under Russian rule, NATO would be weaker and in disarray, Hamas and Iran would be united in a war against an unrestrained Israel, the Supereme Court would be a near dictatorship in of itself, and the United States itself would increasingly be run by decree and not rule of law.

So I am all in for Joe. I would take a senile Joe over a psychopath any day. I would take a well behaved dog over Trump.

Bear in mind, approval ratings do not translate into poll standings, if they did, the gap facing Joe would be wider.

And I don't care about the national average approval ratings, as there is no single national election. I am only interested in the electoral college map. Kamala sucks in states that Joe sucks in too, maybe a bit worse than Joe because those states there is a much higher incidence of racist attitudes that won't accept her. In more enlightened states, her numbers aren't as bad.

Also bear in mind that poll standing of a hypothetical always changes when they are no longer a hypothetical, and people start to take a harder look.

Again, I am looking at some distance, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. And I am well aware that in the United States there is still racism, mysoginy, demagogery and religious fundamentalism that would impede a female, non-white candidate. But despite that, I feel that Kamala would wipe up on Trump.

And if I look at it in the battlegrounds, Kamala would probably do better than Joe.
It all comes down to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina. If Kamala would do better than Joe in ensuring they keep those states/flip those states then Joe should step down. But I'm telling you, Kamala will lose the Democrats some votes that Joe wouldn't. Again, we are an inherently racist and misogynistic country. I truly don't believe some in middle America who claim to lean moderate would pull the lever for a black, liberal woman like they would for a white, liberal male. I also fear how she would do in a debate with Trump. Debates were never her strong suit when she was in the primary in 2019/2020. The one thing Americans fear more than anything is the unknown. Kamala is pretty unknown right now. So even if she's the candidate, I think some just stay home, ensuring a Trump victory.