Political Discussion

This election will be covered in history books. This shit is mad wild
While this is funny it is also infuriating that what we should talk about more that the candidate he runs with is convicted for sexual abuse.the sexual misconduct allegations against trump have their own wiki page. "Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants"
In that context I am really fine with people doing to furniture whatever the fuck they want.
Also, do we really, truly believe this is the goal of democratic party? Like genuinely?

Under Biden? Yes. Under Kamala? TBD. I already post this 6 or 7 pages back but:

He invested heavily into bringing Steel production back into the US.

He invested in micro chip production and bringing it statside.

He made 2 huge investments into supporting smaller farmers and helping to produce more of them.

He took marijuana off the schedule 1 list.

He has done everything he can to help fix the student loan situation. If the courts hadn't overturned his plans everyone with an undergraduate degree would be paying 5% instead of 10% of their income and interest rates would be forever shut off as long as you're paying (fuck the courts)

He put an anti-monopoly crusader in charge of the FTC. Among other things she has banned forced non-compete agreements, is fighting mergers of companies from the same industry that are worth over 200m and is suing Amazon for being a monopoly. Apple is so pissed off about her that they wouldn't John Stewart interview her and it's the main reason he left.

He landed us through inflation without causing a full blown recession.

He got a huge infrastructure bill passed that invested heavily in clean energy. And has announced plans for a nationwide high speed train.

Oh and his economic plans for 2024 included a heavy tax increase on billionaires and removing tax benefits for companies they own more than 50 properties if they raise rent more than 5%. Not a huge win, but a none-the-less. According to Breaking Points, Bernie Sanders was 2nd in command for writing that economic plan btw.

Which when combined with Lina Khan-- is a large reason that you don't ever hear about the Biden administrations achievements.

I understand being pissed off about Israel. But I've also fought tooth and nail my entire life to get the Democratic Party to support a lot of these causes. And we are gonna throw that all away and let Christian fascists create a theocracy over Israel when Trump's policies will be even worse for Gaza?
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While this is funny it is also infuriating that what we should talk about more that the candidate he runs with is convicted for sexual abuse.the sexual misconduct allegations against trump have their own wiki page. "Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants"
In that context I am really fine with people doing to furniture whatever the fuck they want.
I think Kamala will wait for her moment to seize on this, probably at the debate if they even have one. I believe Vance has said something similar in the past which she can also use.
Bypassed congress more than once to unilaterally provide billions for it, yes.

Which I might add, the courts never challenged nor did GOP controlled states filed lawsuits.

If Biden doesn't have the authority to forgive student loan debt or make a new repayment plan option then he certainly should not have the power for fund war in other countries.