Idk if this is the place to ask this, but does anyone have the Roku Soundbar?
I have been using a basic Roku stick on a 42” TV for almost 6 years now. It’s worked fine up until recently where the remote doesn’t like to connect and it’s not the batteries. I figure it’s maybe time to just get a new one.
The soundbar caught my eye since I’ve only ever used speakers in my tv. Is it worth it?
I have this one but I got it on sale this past summer for like $80. They have pretty decent sales if you’re willing to wait. I think I even posted about it in here at the time (back in July, I think?). I’ve been happy with it, largely for the the sound, but also I was using one of the old chromecast sticks that didn’t work with apple tv and didn’t come with a remote so you had to do everything with your phone.
So yeah, the sound is way better than what comes out of my tv speakers. It’s still not anything you’d call “impressive”, but definitely worlds better than the built-in speakers. I had a small 32” tv that didn’t connect to internet and had no apps, and wasn’t sure if I would keep using the roku streambar after I upgraded to a larger samsung smart tv this past black friday, but I’m still using it because: (1) the built-in speakers on the new tv still suck, (2) samsung’s “tizen” platform (or whatever it is) is kind of clunky to navigate and is also incompatible with NBA League Pass (which is surprisingly affordable this year).
One thing to note is that if you have an older tv, it might not have the special hdmi slot (ARC) that the roku streambar needs to work for your live tv/cable. The speaker will only work for shows you stream through the roku unless you have an hdmi slot labeled “ARC”. But most newer tvs have that slot (my new one does). I feel like it’s not that big of a deal unless you watch a lot of live news or sports or whatever through cable, but it seems like most people stream the majority of what they watch now.
seeing this for the first time and holy shit.
but for the record, i never watched the leftovers, and westworld went to a strong meh-nay by the end (dont know that i even watched the final season tbh)
I saw that you commented on this post and some others on here went back and left reacts on it and was concerned that you were going to ask if I was still tracking all of the shows people have posted about here (I have not). But yeah, I’m not sure why I had you down for the Leftovers if you never watched it. I’m guessing that I either saw a post that you made that sounded excited about the show or confused you with someone else (or confused the leftovers with another show that you liked)…the possibilities are endless, haha. I do know that the Leftovers is one of the all-time best shows I’ve ever seen, though, and would highly recommend it to you.
If you just watch the show and love it, then the issue kind of takes care of itself, right?