The May 2023 Record Spin Challenge: Silver Screen Edition

12 Shawshank Redemption
"Remember Red, hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufresne

Sloan "One Chord To Another" (1996 Murderecords; 2016 reissue)
Playing this one as a placeholder. Sloan reissued their early records but stopped at Navy Blues. I kind of wish they would continue with the reissue series and release Between The Bridges.

Discogs image:
Day 10 Life is Beautiful
"Good morning, Princess! Last night, I dreamt about you all night! We were going to the movies. You were wearing that pink dress that I really like. You're all I think about, Princess. You're always in my heart" - Guido
Interpret how you wish
Play something Italian or about deep, true love

I would probably just play The Rapture "In The Grace of Your Love" not just because of the title track but it also includes the song "How Deep is Your Love?" which sounds like a challenge and I assume this album was inspired by Italo Disco, which I'll probably listen to next!

< Picture of record I own and spin occasionally >
10 Life is Beautiful
"Good morning, Princess! Last night, I dreamt about you all night! We were going to the movies. You were wearing that pink dress that I really like. You're all I think about, Princess. You're always in my heart" - Guido

I played Mendelssohn's Symphony #4 "Italian" performed by The Vienna Philharmonic
13 Saving Private Ryan
"Gripes go up, not down" - Captain Miller

Shuggie Otis "Freedom Flight" (1971 Epic; 1973 repress)
I found a copy of this about 15 years ago, with the plastic wrap slit on the end but still around the sleeve. The record was in VG+ condition but the sleeve had some mold spots on it. I took the plastic off immediately, because I'm sure that humidity that got caught in there at some point in the record's lifetime was the culprit. The seller had mentioned it, so no foul, but it really sucks how some people treated records over the years.

Discogs image:

12 Shawshank Redemption
"Remember Red, hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufresne
Interpret how you wish

Now this is a movie to rank at the very top of storytelling. And no disrespect implied but first thing that popped into my head was the song Everything Dies.
10 Life is Beautiful
"Good morning, Princess! Last night, I dreamt about you all night! We were going to the movies. You were wearing that pink dress that I really like. You're all I think about, Princess. You're always in my heart" - Guido
Play something Italian or about deep, true love

Sun Ra – Sun Ra Tribute

Produced by Paolo Scotti, an Italian, and released on Dejavu, an Italian label.
Day 13: Saving Private Ryan

Jack White - Lazaretto

The gimmicks on the LP are cool and all, but the sound quality suffers because of it and it’s a hassle starting side 1 because of how it goes inside-out (I accidentally dropped the needle on the hologram once).
7 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say `ni' at will to old ladies. ... There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress at this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber
Play something related to economics

Pedro The Lion - Winners Never Quit

8 Rocky
Play something that you recently bought that fills a gap in your collection

Miracle Legion - Surprise Surprise Surprise

This has been in the top two on my wish list for years. This last month, instead of just continuing to wait for an overpriced reissue that may never come, I just bought a used clean copy from a guy in Europe for what will likely be less than any reissue.

Day 11 Taxi Driver
"Someday, a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets" - Travis Bickle
Interpret how you wish
Play something about street life or the big city

We used to have this all in one cabinet stereo system that had a radio, record player and 8 track all built into one unit, it was in the family room and we weren't allowed to touch it!! This just meant we were obsessed with it and always wanted to touch it!! One of the 8 tracks we had was The Carpenters Singles 1969-1973, that got a lot of run in our house because both my mom and sister were big fans! This popped in my mind when I read this quote, I assume Travis Bickle was driving around gritty ass New York City playing The Carpenters on 8 track and when Rainy Days and Mondays came on those where the first words out of his mouth!

< Insert picture of said 8 track >