The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

how dare you

Yeah, I mean everybody is just going to say "acronym" and you'll know what they mean. And there are definitely gray areas, like "SOS." Is that an initialism? It doesn't really stand for anything. Is it an acronym? Well...not really. Is it a word? Mmm, no. So for the sake of simplicity we just call it an acronym and go about our days. But I respect that the prescriptivist grammarians out there are holding fast to the technical minutiae.

SOS is Save Our Souls.
Myth. It's just the simplest Morse code pattern to remember/transmit/recognize. The first Morse distress signal was "CQD," which was abandoned for pretty self-evident reasons:

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Well now I want the origin of the myth, but I’m sure it’s just some asshole made it up and everyone ran with it. (Like the chucklefucks at work who make up “policy”)
When I heard Oasis first single for the first time, I thought it sounded like a less funky The Charlatans. Their singles from the early ninties are pure fire. By the time this album came out, the tables had turned though. This sounds like an uninspired Oasis.
Gtfo, Radar is company clerk:
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Did you know Gary Burghoff is the only actor to play his character in both the movie and show?
I did.

Also, he had a birth defect that caused the digits on his left hand to be significantly smaller than normal as a result most of the time when he appeared on camera he was shot in a way that either his left hand was out of frame or he had the view obstructed in some way.

Also, hot take: I much prefer the Altman movie to the TV Show. I really didn’t care much for the annoying laugh track and moments of drama. I much preferred the nihilistic world view held by Sutherland and Gould’s Hawkeye and Trapper John to the softer edge provided to the characters on the TV show, though I did enjoy Alan Alda’s portrayal.
I did.

Also, he had a birth defect that caused the digits on his left hand to be significantly smaller than normal as a result most of the time when he appeared on camera he was shot in a way that either his left hand was out of frame or he had the view obstructed in some way.

Also, hot take: I much prefer Altman movie to the TV Show. I really didn’t care much for the annoying laugh track and moments of drama. I much preferred the nihilistic world view held by Sutherland and Gould’s Hawkeye and Trapper John to the softer edge provided to the characters on the TV show, though I did enjoy Alan Alda portrayal.
Funny cause Alda is pretty much the reason the show was less than amazing the last couple of seasons.

They are very different things. Possibly because of nostalgia, the show is my all time favorite television show, warts and all.

I remember convincing my parents to let me stay up to watch the finale and falling asleep during it. Lol
Funny cause Alda is pretty much the reason the show was less than amazing the last couple of seasons.
Yeah, I only ever watched episodes of the TV show If I was watching my local Fox affiliate and was too lazy to change the channel once their prime time schedule ended or someone else was watching the throw. I didn’t see the movie until I got really into Altman movies when I was going through my “auteur appreciation” phase in my early 20s and loved it way more than the show. It even inspired me to go back and rewatch The MASH show and see if it would better click but I think it had an opposite effect.

I did read that Alda basically ran the show during the last few seasons and leaned heavily on to drama but I cut him some slack since he had been playing the same role for over a decade and like I said I man not a big fan of the show anyhow regardless.

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

I haven't listened to this in a really long time. I was fairly obsessed with it when it came out.
It’s a really fun album. Something I can’t really say about any other album in their discography. Though right after Ocular Spectacular MGMT did one of my favorite things ever when they collaborated with Kid Cudi and Ratatatat on “Pursuit of Happiness”

Which led to Alt Country chanteuse, Lissie’s fantastic cover…

…that was ultimately sampled by Schooboy Q in his bad ass track “Hand On The Wheel”…

I love how music can shaped and molded from one amazing thing to another.
I don't think there's a bad song on this album. The singles burned too hot on the radio so they overshadow the rest which is incredibly well crafted. I saw them on their first big tour after this came out and then again after their next album. The problem with having such huge radio singles is the crowd is full of people who come to hear one or two songs. The audience at the first one was decent, but at the second one they were unbearable and so low energy that the band seemed to just be going through the motions. Really disappointing experience that time. But this album still does it for me and I enjoy it front to back.