The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

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Nitin Sawhney - Beyond Skin

Totally unfamiliar with this artist. I liked the majority of it but felt once a nice flow was established a song would come out of left field and destroy it. Maybe that was his purpose. My vibe killers were 'Nadia' - beautiful vocal but the overemphasized bass/drums/pace ruined it - and 'The Conference' - where the fuck did that come from?
Totally unfamiliar with this artist. I liked the majority of it but felt once a nice flow was established a song would come out of left field and destroy it. Maybe that was his purpose. My vibe killers were 'Nadia' - beautiful vocal but the overemphasized bass/drums/pace ruined it - and 'The Conference' - where the fuck did that come from?
I really like this album. I didn’t really find anything jarring. As with anything, some things work better than others. I like the very classical approach to electronic music. This is good and heady stuff, it is a reverse chronology of nuclear arms and a meditation on race & society. It’s very cool.
I believe I’ve mentioned that when I got my first record player in the first grade, I was given some 45s that I still have to this day. One was Beth/Detroit Rock City. While I’ve never been a KISS fan, this album has always held a special place in my heart. I’ve always had a cassette or CD of it. I really should probably try to get a copy on vinyl.

I also have no doubt that my parents had only heard Beth on AM radio and had no idea what KISS even was.
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Kiss - Destroyer

I haven't listened to this since I was a kid, except for the hits when they pop up on classic rock radio. This is such a fun album! It's as if someone just distilled everything that's enjoyable about rock n'roll and boiled it down this perfect little stock cube of "FUN". Even the fillers are killer on this.
A lot of people also tend to forget how massivley influential Kiss were/are. Hot take: are they THE most influental rock band of the 70s? Pretty much every member of a rock band of the harder variety that debuted in the 80s and 90s grew up with Kiss posters on their walls, from poprock icons like Europe and Bon Jovi to punks like Nirvana and the darkest depths of death and black metal.

So anyway, here's an awesome cover of "God of Thunder" by Swedish death metal pioneers Entombed:
