The Super Thread - All Things Marvel/DC/Etc

The current trend becomes excessive for Disney when they stop making Billions of dollars. It becomes excessive for me as a fan whenever I decide I don’t wanna watch MCU movies or shows anymore.

They push low budget pictures out of cinemas for sport. Disney won't quit. Disney is excessive.

Regarding comic books, There is a lot of content but there is also a good amount of quality too. Not everything works or is worth the time but some of it is and you don’t have to read all the sub par books to be able to enjoy the stellar one.

I wasn’t really implying that movies are doing everything that the comic books do, I was speaking primarily about the interconnectivity of the MCU. I would say them opening the multiverse has allowed for reboots to become more likely. Some soft reboots have already started. Some examples; Jane Foster becoming Thor, Kate Bishop is on her way to becoming Hawkeye, Falcon/Winter Soldier are the new Captain America, Yelna replacing Natasha as Black Widow, whoever ends up becoming the new Black Panther. These characters origins will bleed over to what happened prior but while the back stories can paint a more detailed character they are not essential for you enjoyment of their current adventures (if they are doing it right).

Thor's character arc to this point can not be fully realized without knowledge from seven different films. And if character development is a priority for any moviegoer, it'd be a shame to miss out on that.

At the current rate of expansion, keeping up with a single character may soon be unbearable for some moviegoers. (This being near to @gaporter's original discussion point.)

Personally, I wouldn't mind them slowing down their release schedule. I initially thought it was a pandemic backlog, but that doesn't appear to be correct.

Yeah, ultimately I think we are gonna have to agree to disagree. I just don’t think *casual viewers* have to know all the nuances to enjoy these movies. You can be as involved as you want to be. They are extremely popular films and that isn’t driven just by *fanatics* that feel obligated to watch them all. Some people just think Spider-Man is cool and wanna see him swing from a web and use his spidey strength to throw a car across the screen.

Fixed that for you.

Also, it baffles me to think there are people that watched No Way Home as their first Spider-Man flick.

It’s not an all or nothing proposition. If ya wanna watch everything and you enjoy it all then by all means go for it but if you feel anxious about missing something or obligated to watch all these movies (and I am sure this is how Disney would like everyone to feel) then maybe it’s worth reassessing you level of involvement.

FOMO is real. Disney bottles it.
Sure, why not?

Row 1: Into the Spider-Verse
Row 2: The Suicide Squad
Row 3: Spider-Man 2
Row 4:  Logan

Yes, no debating from me. Your picks are the right ones.

Although I did enjoy Dark Knight and probably would rewatch that before Spiderman now, I saw Spiderman 2 at least four times in theaters. And Logan was definitely the superior film, but I'd watch any of that bottom row again.
Nah, it's Iron Man, Infinity War, Dark Knight and Guardians.
I respect your picks but it's pretty clear we just want different things from our superhero movies. Iron Man is good, but I can't say it's better than Spider-Verse. (Or even The Batman - I know that movie isn't very popular on these forums, but I digress). Infinity War is fun, but not really a great standalone movie. I'll accept that I'm in the minority on The Dark Knight, but give me Raimi over Nolan any day of the week. And I vastly prefer the second Guardians movie to the first one. If it was Logan against GOTG Vol. 2, it'd be closer.
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I respect your picks but it's pretty clear we just want different things from our superhero movies. Iron Man is good, but I can't say it's better than Spider-Verse. (Or even The Batman - I know that movie isn't very popular on these forums, but I digress). Infinity War is fun, but not really a great standalone movie. I'll accept that I'm in the minority on The Dark Knight, but give me Raimi over Nolan any day of the week. And I vastly prefer the second Guardians movie to the first one. If it was Logan against GOTG Vol. 2, it'd be closer.

I absolutely love Spider-Verse, but without the success of Iron Man and early Marvel flicks, how many of these movies would even exist?

Infinity War was the most enjoyable experience of its row. It's possible that my answer would be different if I was able to see any of the others in theaters. But Infinity War was memorable.

If I have to sacrifice Doc Ock for Heath Ledger's Joker, I will in a second.

I would watch Watchmen five times before I'd watch Logan again. But Guardians is *chef's kiss.*

Three out of four rows have little to do with what I want out of a superhero movie. Don't assume you understand my reasoning.

(Not important, but I can't get over the fact that in Vol. 2, nobody saw that flower behind the Dairy Queen or whatever it was for thirty whatever years it was there. Come on.)
Iron Man is the template that all superheroes movies derive from. I love Spiderverse but Iron Man goes on top for me.

Iron Man
Infinity War- the best surprise the good guys lost ending in a popular franchise since Empire
Dark Knight
Guardians- I like Logan but it's not something I would choose to rewatch. Guardians is the new template for a fun superhero movie.
Three out of four rows have little to do with what I want out of a superhero movie. Don't assume you understand my reasoning.
The only one assuming anything about someone's character here is you. I didn't show any sort of hostility towards you in my response or do anything other than share my opinion. Just because I didn't word something to your liking doesn't give you the right to accuse me of something I didn't do.
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Iron Man is the template that all superheroes movies derive from. I love Spiderverse but Iron Man goes on top for me.

Iron Man
Infinity War- the best surprise the good guys lost ending in a popular franchise since Empire
Dark Knight
Guardians- I like Logan but it's not something I would choose to rewatch. Guardians is the new template for a fun superhero movie.
Guardians would be a close second after Logan! As I said in my other post, the only thing holding GOTG back for me is that I prefer the second one. But seeing the first one in the theater was definitely an unexpectedly fun experience. But as someone who grew up with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, Logan is a very powerful experience.
The only one assuming anything about someone's character here is you. I didn't show any sort of hostility towards you in my response or do anything other than share my opinion. Just because I didn't word something to your liking doesn't give you the right to accuse me of something I didn't do.

LoL *walks away*
I would watch Watchmen five times before I'd watch Logan again. But Guardians is *chef's kiss.*
I´m probably in the minority here, but i found Watchmen overall to be a pretty disappointing movie. It looks great but for me it does not get the tone and the complexity of the book, which i really love, really. But , as i watched a couple of him, i have to admit that Snyder is not really for me. There is not a single movie of him i saw that i would really rank high.
I´m probably in the minority here, but i found Watchmen overall to be a pretty disappointing movie. It looks great but for me it does not get the tone and the complexity of the book, which i really love, really. But , as i watched a couple of him, i have to admit that Snyder is not really for me. There is not a single movie of him i saw that i would really rank high.
It definitely pales next to the book, which is amazing, but I still enjoyed the movie. I think I most liked the effect of the music they used in it. The mini-series sequel blew it out of the water and I wish they would have let that director do the whole book as a mini-series. It would work better in that format than as a movie, imo.