The Super Thread - All Things Marvel/DC/Etc

I´m probably in the minority here, but i found Watchmen overall to be a pretty disappointing movie. It looks great but for me it does not get the tone and the complexity of the book, which i really love, really. But , as i watched a couple of him, i have to admit that Snyder is not really for me. There is not a single movie of him i saw that i would really rank high.

Really? I thought the majority considered it to be disappointing. I remember reading the graphic novel the day before seeing the movie and thinking it was nearly a shot for shot recreation. I enjoyed seeing the characters come to life, but it's been some time since I've had a viewing.

I agree regarding Snyder's work. I did go back and watch Man of Steel recently and think I was too hard on it, but I still wouldn't choose it.

I just noticed Snyder has a story credit on Wonder Woman. Weird.

Anyway, I was mostly just implying that I don't find Logan to be as good as people think it is.

The Watchmen show is excellent.
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I still haven't watched MoM soley due to the fact that I hate Krasinki as Reed Richards. I did when it was fan speculation and I do now. For all the amazing casting the MCU has given us I hate that they just let the fans pick this one and I hope this is just a variant that we never see again. Just needed to get that out there.

But now that it's on Disney+ I'll give it a watch. Love these short theater-streaming times. I like Sam Raimi and am excited for the rest of the film.
I still haven't watched MoM soley due to the fact that I hate Krasinki as Reed Richards. I did when it was fan speculation and I do now. For all the amazing casting the MCU has given us I hate that they just let the fans pick this one and I hope this is just a variant that we never see again. Just needed to get that out there.

But now that it's on Disney+ I'll give it a watch. Love these short theater-streaming times. I like Sam Raimi and am excited for the rest of the film.
I agree, but it was a pretty minor role and I read an interview that said it didn't mean anything other than a hat tip to fans. But I'm with you in really not wanting him in that role.
Speaking of Reed do I love the FF but casting Reed and Sue is TOUGH and not a job I'm envious of. The age difference between Reed/Ben and the rest of the crew is a pretty critical character element I'd say....but it makes the Reed/Sue relationship weird. Reading the comics you'll come across their first meeting, and well..... take a look.

10 year age difference. He was 22 and she was 12. You might think "Well Marvel has to have retconned that, their first meeting is too pedo-y for 2022 standards". Nope.

It's hard when something you hold so dear is based on an origin this fucking weird.
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I need to gauge your criticism. What were your feelings regarding Thor: Ragnarok?
Ragnarok was good! It's my favorite of the Thor movies. And I don't want to worry you so I'll say that most people who liked it will probably like this too. Looking around I seem to be in the minority. I am going to see it again with my parents in a couple of days and so maybe after a second watch I'll be kinder to it but I left that theater very unimpressed.
Ragnarok was good! It's my favorite of the Thor movies. And I don't want to worry you so I'll say that most people who liked it will probably like this too. Looking around I seem to be in the minority. I am going to see it again with my parents in a couple of days and so maybe after a second watch I'll be kinder to it but I left that theater very unimpressed.
I remember feeling the same after Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 2. Sometimes it’s hard to achieve the same level of fun in sequels. GOTG2 is pretty good too but it’s pales in comparison to the original.
I remember feeling the same after Guardians Of The Galaxy, Vol. 2. Sometimes it’s hard to achieve the same level of fun in sequels. GOTG2 is pretty good too but it’s pales in comparison to the original.
Meanwhile, I like the second GOTG more than the first! Just goes to show how different people's preferences can be when it comes to these movies.
I just want them to give Jane Foster's story justice. From the trailers you can tell Portman died her hair blonde and is just blonde now all the time. In the comics she only has those golden locks while wielding mjiolir, and is otherwise bald due to the chemotherapy treatment she's receiving. Already feels weird making a 7 year comic run into a 90 minute movie.
I really hope the rest of y'all enjoy Love and Thunder more than I did.
Just came back from watching it, I really liked it, laughed a lot more than I was expecting.
I dig the Taika Waititi weirdness of it.
I saw the latest Doctor Strange a few days ago, felt very meh and I wondered if I was getting super hero fatigue so, maybe I went into Love and Thunder with lower expectations.
I enjoyed Thor 4. Loved the cameos at the end. It wasn't on the level of Ragnarok but it was still good, dumb fun and that's okay. That's what Taika goes for. Happy they brought Mighty Thor to the screen. Now give me Beta Ray Bill in Thor 5.

I love the original Guardians more than the sequel but I love the sentimentality of the 2nd one. The Yondu scene at the end is one of the best moments Marvel has committed to the screen.
Not sure if this has taken over for the comics thread, but first trailer for the Paper Girls adaptation on Amazon, looks pretty well cast based on this. Hoping to be able to go to the panel for it at SDCC next week.

Such a great book! I absolutely adore Cliff Chiang's art. Lots of folks are probably gonna see this a a Stranger Things rehash not knowing the comic came out a full year prior.
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