The way they handled Anthology and shutting down the old forum was the first time I actually got angry and annoyed at them as a company personally. Stuff was slowly building for me but those two things were the tipping point and made me unsubscribe. Every single one of the Anthology issues that have happened would not have happened if the people working there actually cared about the end product. There are enough other awesome reissue labels out there who don't constantly screw up and pay attention to every tiny detail. If they are changing something, they let you know. Not going to do the foil stamping you promised? "Hey guys--we are really happy with the design of the box and decided that aesthetically, the foil stamp wouldn't be very visible on the box, so we decided to hand number them instead." That's all it would have taken. Nobody would have complained. Instead, they retroactively changed the information on the website when people pointed it out and deleted their comments on facebook.
These other jazz reissue labels that are great (Pure Pleasure, Sam Records, Jazzman, etc) don't just take your money and run which is how Anthology felt. Oh you gave us $230 already? The CD artwork is fine--nobody will notice! We'll just say that Blue Note didn't have digital files at high enough resolution. Shit...too many people complained...oh there are those pesky files! We're going to reprint! The "experience" we promised about jazz education...we didn't actually think that through but there's some guy who is a member that is posting informative jazz education stuff on the facebook group so maybe that will tide them over...ugh somebody posted a negative comment. Let's just delete it.
They could only get away with the "we're a small company and are ironing out the kinks!" schpiel for so long while they go out and brag about how their company is worth $10 mil+ and get VCs to invest in them. A lot of the issues people have complained about for months and months and months have never been addressed. The curation is awesome IMO. The rest has all been pretty downhill in the past 6+ months. I'd rather give my money to other places that truly care about every aspect of the reissues.