I just re-joined VMP for 3 months in part bc of Lateef/December.
I used the opportunity for membership to pick up the RKS/mono Shape Of Jazz to Come on sale for $29. I have the Speakers Corner stereo, which sounds great generally but, to my ears, is missing some punch w/ the rhythm section, particularly the bass, which is clear but a little recessed sounding to me. I know it’s sacrilege around here, but I think this has been an issue with a few of KG’s reissues.
I love Shape of Jazz to Come so it was worth it for me to try the mono/RKS after seeing so many positive comments here, on Discogs, and elsewhere. I know listening preferences are all subjective so my $.02 is worth about that much, but this VMP mono absolutely kills. Crystal clear sound with driving rhythm section, especially the bass. The horns remain out front (and center!) and, to my ears, don’t get in each others’ way or overly blend due to the mono sound. This isn’t a knock on the SC stereo. It’s great, but I’m firmly in the mono camp on this one.