Vinyl Me Please Classics

you still continue on that? didn’t we agree to stop or move to a different thread?

On the other topic, I think is despicable to nullify achievements in one area because of mistakes in other. Things are completely unrelated.

Being a nazi or supporting nazi is not a simple mistake but I agree to move on as long as we don't keep trying to defend people like Vikernes.

Starting sharing a record from a recognized POS was not the best way to introduce yourself to this community. THIS is a mistake. I hope you will have more and better stuff to share with us. Welcome and let's move in a better direction.
Now THAT’s a good story for VMP to tell! Essentials 2025.
My favorite part of the story was when he was about to get married to that woman a couple years ago but it turned out that she was only doing it because she wanted to taxidermy his body after he died and make a museum about him, or something frickin weird like that.
Wasn't there some minor outcry in the early days with a Manson title in the store?

That does ring a bell.
Yeah AB put a reissue of his album in the store.

Someone said it was despicable and that Barnes and noble didn’t sell Hitler’s book.
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Yeah AB put a reissue of his album in the store.

Someone said it was disputable and that Barnes and noble didn’t sell Hitler’s book.
I bought Mein Kampf from a Barnes and Noble. I did a research experiment with it for a school project and alternated reading it and The Communist Manifest in public to see what kinds of reactions people had. People would come up and say how they always wanted to read Hitler's book and how interesting it probably was, and people would come up and tell me Marx was a horrible person and I shouldn't read that garbage. American propaganda is alive and well.
My favorite part of the story was when he was about to get married to that woman a couple years ago but it turned out that she was only doing it because she wanted to taxidermy his body after he died and make a museum about him, or something frickin weird like that.

What a lovely story, I can imagine it would make a great movie if Hollywood runs out of ideas. Imagine Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie...Yeah, no. Let's make another Avengers instead.
Being a nazi or supporting nazi is not a simple mistake but I agree to move on as long as we don't keep trying to defend people like Vikernes.

Starting sharing a record from a recognized POS was not the best way to introduce yourself to this community. THIS is a mistake. I hope you will have more and better stuff to share with us. Welcome and let's move in a better direction.
While I can understand why someone would think that. I disagree. I said explicitly that I don’t defend the guy’s past crimes. But I nevertheless enjoy the music. When I discovered burzum I was still a teenager and back then he was just a guy who made music.

So even though he was a criminal and was in jail, this doesn’t suddenly nullify the music.

This will be my last comment on this topic.
*Every* interview I've ever read with Varg he comes off as just such a smug unlikeable and reprehensible piece of shit. He paid for his crimes, sure -- you'll note no one's advocating for locking him up or any other "punishment". Just because he paid his debt to society doesn't mean his views and actions are free from judgement and criticism. He was trash then and from the most rudimentary skimming of his wikipedia page you can see he hasn't changed.
Was he the cat killing c**t they made a movie about who killed his band mate and set fire to churches ? Or some other tw*t